twenty one ; longing

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" i will try to express my inner feelings and thankfulness - for showing me the meaning of success "


richie had dealt with his smoking addiction for a few lousy years and his best friend eddie had done everything humanly possible to help him stop with the habit. and with a lot of help, he was able to.

but everything changed when eddie was the one to fall for the cigarette.

everytime richie would see him, eddie would have one resting between his index and middle finger and once he finished one, nothing stopping him from starting a second one.

and richie was starting to go nuts. he knew that one way or another he'd have to make eddie stop, just like he had done with him.

one afternoon they were both sitting on the floor of richie's bed reading comics when eddie took out the first cigarette. at first richie didn't see it, he was too caught up in his reading. but he was quick to close the comic when he started noticing the smell.

eddie noticed the gesture to he frowned, taking the cigarette out of his mouth. "what?"

"seriously, eds?" richie whined. "give me that." he demanded, practically takib the cigarette from between the boy's fingers.

eddie's eyes widened. "hey!"

"hey my ass." richie grumbled as he repeatedly stepped on the deadly object that was trying to kill eddie. once he considered that the work had been done, he turned towards eddie with a dissapointed look on his face. "you can't keep doing this to yourself, eddie."

yikes, eddie thought. he never called him by his actual name.

"you need to stop. i mean it." richie said and he really did sound serious. "i really don't want to see you fall down a path i know all too well, therefore i can tell you you don't want to go through it." eddie looked down. he actually felt embarrassed. "okay you know what? this ends right now." richie stood up. "get up, we're going to your house. we're getting rid of every single pack of cigarettes that you have."

eddie looked up at his friend with uneasy eyes. "i don't know richie..."

"that's an answer eddie. and i don't remember asking a question. get up now kaspbrak." richie demanded. he rarely got this serious, ever. eddie sighed but followed him.

and that's where the process began.

every day at school, richie would make sure that eddie didn't smoke one single cigarette and after school, eddie would go study at richie's because no cigarette would be found there for sure.

that process went on for about a month and a half and after all the efforts, eddie was slowly but surely starting to quit.

of course, he'd often call richie at random times of the day saying he needed a distraction because he felt like smoking even knowing he wasn't allowed to (richie wouldn't allow him). that usually meant going for ice-cream or going to the movies which always distracted eddie.

this one time though, the kind of distraction he longed for was slightly different than what they were accustomed to.

one saturday afternoon while richie was going through his trigonometry lesson, there was a knock on the door.

when richie opened it, eddie was standing at the door. "hey eds. whatcha need?" richie smiled.

"i want to smoke." eddie said, a slight hint of pannick in his voice.

richie immediately perked up. "okay, uh... what do you want to do? name it, anything."

eddie inhaled sharply before surging forward and catching richie's lips in a tight and passionate kiss.

it did take richie by surprise but if he were to say that he hadn't been wanting this for years he'd be the biggest liar to ever exist. knowing what it waz like to kiss eddie was definitely on his bucket list and now he could gladly cross it.

richie's arms slowly wrapped around eddie's body as eddie's hands were tangled between his dark curls, leaving a soft sensation on richie's scalp that made him weak in the knees.

eddie pulled away slightly but their foreheads were still pressed against one another. "sorry." eddie whispered. "had to stop the longing..."

"the longing for smoking? or the longing for me?" richie chuckled, admiring the blush forming on eddie's cheeks as he giggled.

"both, kinda." the smaller boy said. "mostly the second one, though?" he added, biting his bottom lip.

richie chuckled once again, rubving his thumb against eddie's back. "well... did it stop?"

eddie made a pause before smirking. "no." he said as his eyes slowly darted towards richie's lips.

"good." richie said, this time him being the one to initiate the kiss.

they went to richie's room, laid on the bed (richie could barely remember where all the trigonometry shit was at) and both teens made out as if they were an old married couple who hand't seen their loved one for decades.

and eddie never touched a cigarette ever again.


now that's what i call a shitty ending, sorry guys 😔

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