nineteen ; you got it

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" and i'm thinking 'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways, maybe just the touch of a hand "

"so you're really doing this, huh?" stan asked as they were waiting for eddie to joing them for lunch.

richie nodded. "yep. could end perfectly, could end like shit. i guess we're minutes away from finding out."

"try seconds." bev muttered as he spotted eddie walking towards their table. he sat next to richie, greeting everyone.

to his surprise, nobody replied. all the losers could do was stare at him or stare at richie, expecting him to do something.

eddie frowned. "what?" eddie's eyes went immediately to richie who was playing with his fingers, butterflies nervousness attack his somach. "rich-"

"i'll get back to you in a minute." the trashmouth cut him off as he brutally stood up, walking towards one of the tables that was right in the middle of the cafeteria.

eddie frowned even more. he saw bill from the corner of his eye, covering his mouth with his hand. "oh my god guys he's ruh-really going f-for it."

all of the losers (except eddie) nodded in shock. and the asthmatic boy was more confused than ever. "wait, wha-"

"hello dear students of derry high!" richie exclaimed. his sudden intervention made everyone go silent and some 'what the fuck's were whispered. "i'm sorry to interrupt your shitty meal. i'm sorry rose." richie added when a gasp was heard from the place where you get the food. "but your food is shit." he fake cringed before going back to what he wanted to say. "anyways, you may be wondering -- why is trashmouth tozier standing on a table, screaming and possibly seconds away from doing something stupid."

what would be new there? eddie thought, letting the ghost of a smile haunt his delicate lips.

"well i'll tell you why. dear fellow students of derry high," richie clasped his hands together as if he was about to say something witty. "i, richie tozier... like, dicks!" he exclaimed.

a few gasps were heard from some students, one of them being eddie. but he was even more shocked that none of the losers seemed to be the slightest bit surprised. "is he - is he for real?"

"yup." mike responded.

"and dicks, in a good amount of opportunities, mean boys . and there's this one boy... oh you guys have no idea." he sighed lovingly. "he's the sweetest most adorable person i have ever met in my entire fucking life. and i might even be in love with him but i still need to put those pieces of the puzzle together, ya know?" he chuckled nervously, suddently losing the confidence he was radiating. "and i want to invite him right here so everyone can see his cute little face."

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