three ; horror movie

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" i look around but it's you i can't replace, i feel so cold and i long for your embrace - i keep crying baby, baby, please "


eddie had no idea why he had agreed to go to the movies that day. he was aware that the losers wanted to watch the new horror movie 'sinister' and from what he had seen on the trailer, eddie didn't like it at all.

and what was worse, there weren't seven seats left that were together in one place. so mike and richie had to sit in one of the back rows while eddie and the rest sat in the front.

eddie wanted to switch seats with mike so badly but he would look like a total wuss if he did so. so as they entered the theater, he swallowed his terror and sat in the front with bev, ben, stan and bill.

as soon as the movie begun, eddie knew it was going to be a hurt train. he huffed loudly, trying to distract himself from the creepy music.

i need richie, i need richie, fuck i need richie.

he held onto beverly's arm when the evil guy's face moved in a photograph, in hopes that her touch could somehow replace richie's but it didn't.

by the end of the movie, eddie's eyes were wet and the tears were almost impossible to hold in. they turned out the lights and eddie got up faster than a firebolt.

"r-richie - w-where's richie? richie!" eddie whimpered, longing for his comfort.

he saw richie running towards them. "i'm here love, i'm here!" he was panting.

"oh richie." eddie sobbed as he wrapped his arms around the trashmouth's neck, crying on his shoulder. richie quickly hugged him back, allowing him to wrap his legs around his waist. "it - it was horrible, r-richie -"

"i know eds, i know. shh it's fine, you're fine baby." richie whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek sweetly as he tangled his hand in his hair. "you could've just told me you were scared and we could've gone somewhere else, just us." he said, pulling away a little.

"b-but richie, i was scared to move." eddie whimpered as richie gave him a sad smile, wiping the smaller boy's tears away. "let's go home, richie." eddie whispered so only he could hear it.

"of course bubba, we're going. but you're gonna have to use your legs, okay? you know i'd love to carry you all the way home but i don't think i can." he chuckled, making the smaller boy's cheeks turn red as he untangled his legs from richie's body. richie linked his arm with his. "hey guys i think eds and i are gonna call it a night, mkay?"

"s-sure." bill said. "night guys."

"night everyone." eddie took richie's hand and they both headed to the tozier household.

the thing is, eddie had ran away from his mother a couple months back and he had been living with richie since then. the small boy really couldn't stand that woman, always getting in the way of his happiness.

he loved living with richie. his parents were barely home so it was mostly just them. he got to go to sleep next to him, knowing he'd be there when he woke up... for eddie it was the best he could ever imagine.

"home sweet home." richie commented, opening the front door. the house was very dark because it was almost midnight, which gave eddie the chills. he held onto richie's arm trying not to seem like a baby. the trashmouth looked down at him. "shit eds, that movie got you real good."

"sh-shut it richie." eddie muttered, making the taller boy chuckle.

"c'mere bub, we're going to bed." richie wrapped his arms around eddie's shoulders as they both headed upstairs to where their room was.

eddie took out his jammies from the top drawer. normally, he'd change in the bathroom and richie would take the room but now the very idea terrified him to his very soul. "r-r-richie...?"

"yes?" richie turned around.

"c-can i... is it okay if i... could i change here?"

richie smiled softly at the boy, feeling soft at how scared he was. he wanted to give him the biggest hug a human had ever given to anyone or anything. "of course, yeah. should i take the bathroom or...?"

"actually... could you stay with me?" eddie muttered. underneath the undying fear, he was mostly embarrassed. he didn't want to be this clingy but he couldn't help himself.

richie held back an 'aww' as he kissed eddie's forehead, then his nose, and then his lips. "i'll stay with you anywhere, anytime eds." and then he walked towards his bed to start changing.

eddie let out a shaky sigh as he started changing. he couldn't help but stare at richie as he did the same thing, he needed some distraction from the sinister thoughts going on in his mind. he also turned around every few seconds to make sure nothing was seconds away from eating them.

once he was finished he walked quickly towards richie's bed, laying down and sinking into the covers as richie did the same things. eddie whimpered, wrapping his arms around richie's torso. "hold me, baby."

"that's what i live for, eds." richie chuckled, wrapping his arm around eddie's shoulders to pull him closer to his chest. but then he cleared his throat. "eddie?" the smaller boy hummed, signaling him to go on. "movies are just makeup, costumes and special effects. nothing and no one is going to hurt you, not while i'm still alive."

eddie sighed against richie's chest. "i-i guess. it's still... awfully realistic, rich."

"oh, you wanna see something realistic?" and he tilted his head down to give eddie a kiss on the lips. he melted into the kiss as eddie giggled and that's when he knew he was almost not scared at all anymore.

once eddie cared enough to notice, he couldn't hear his heartbeat in his ears anymore. he looked at richie with big and loving eyes. then he wrapped his arms around his neck. "god, i love you so much richie you have no idea, you literally have no fucking idea."

"i love you too baby." richie smiled like an idiot. "sleep well, eds."


EDIT: idk if i wrote this before or after james ransone was casted as eddie (he was on sinister) but if i did it before,, man that's funny lmao at least for me 😅

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