fifteen ; soulmate pt2

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" 'cause the story isn't told, we're only at the start - forget everything you know, just fall apart "



"so, what were you doing before running into me?" richie asked softly, as his fingers intertwined with eddie's.

the small boy cuddled deeper into his soulmate's chest, feeling the covers of richie's bed softly caressing his skin. "well... i was going to get my medicine - you know how i told you about my mom and my placebos?"


"i was going to the farmacy to get my refill. and that's it." he giggled, and richie couldn't help but think that he had just heard what an angel sounded like. "my story isn't that interesting anyways! what were you doing?" he looked up at him, their eyes locking. they both loved how that felt, as if a warm wave of happiness had just washed all of their loneliness and grief away.

richie shrugged lightly. "me? i was just coming home from school." then he snorted, making eddie laugh.

"yeah, your story is way more boring than mine." eddie said, kissing richie's cheek lovingly.

"ugh, just come here." richie mumbled before smashing his lips against eddie's, making him let out a small giggle before kissing back with the same intensity that the trashmouth was showing.

they had kissed at least ten times since the had found each other and it was safe to say than neither of them were getting enough of the other one's lips. it was like an intoxicating addiction that they simply couldn't let go. it was a drug. a really fucking amazing one.

"thank you for finding me." richie whispered softly, hugging eddie by the waist and allowing him to rest his freckled chin on his shoulder.

"no, thank you for letting me find you..." eddie said, smiling like an idiot. "jumping on you was one of the greatest most comfortable things i've ever done." he giggled.

"mmhm. we should do that more often." richie suggested, nuzzling his face in eddie's neck and pressing a soft kiss against it.


richie pulled away and stared at eddie, biting his bottom lip. even after cuddling for almost four hours, richie still felt like this was unreal. he couldn't believe he finally had his soulmate with him, to stay by his side for the rest of his days.

"i love you so much, eds. like so, so much." richie noticed how his eyes had started to get watery so he quickly wiped the tears away with his sleeve. it stung a bit, but it didn't seem to stop. "fuck -"

"aw, hey. hey bubba, look at me." eddie cupped richie's cheeks with his hands to make him look up at him. "i'm here, okay? i'm here with you and i promise that i'm never leaving your side. never. you're my fucking soulmate and there's no way i'm throwing that away. i love you too much for that. i'm so happy i found you, richie." eddie smiled, trying to keep himself together.

richie nodded, mostly for himself but also for eddie. he connected their foreheads together. "i'm gonna be the best soulmate in the world, okay? only for you. that's a promise, and i'm willing to keep it until the day the cops find me in a ditch, all decomposed, covered in warms and maggots and smelling like your mom's underwear."

eddie gasped before slapping richie's chest playfully. "shut up! that's freaking disgusting!"

"whatever - the point is i'm gonna be the best, you'll see."

eddie nodded, his cheeks slightly pink. "i know you will. i trust you. we're gonna be so happy." eddie sighed, cuddling against richie's chest once more.

"we already are, baby." richie closed his eyes. "we already are."


i just really felt like writing some reddie akdnkskdd sorry i've been kind of inactive, i'm on a school trip to europe and wr come back home in the 23rd so :/ but i promise i'll try to be as active as i possibly can, it's just that we have a lot of shit to do during the day 😩😩😩

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