thirty one ; hard to get

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" i say what you want me to say, but talk only gets in the way - rolling our eyes, no more words to describe how we lose control "


you could say that richie and eddie were a pretty blissful couple. they rarely fought, despite what others might be led to believe given their very strong personalities. but with each other it's like they wouldn't hurt a fly. they were so completely and utterly in love that they were incredibly good at agreeing to disagreeing.

but the con that came with rarely fighting was that when they did fight, all hell broke loose.

they could go for at least a week not talking to each other, and for a pair as inseparable as them, that was extremely damaging for both parts. they missed each other like crazy but for pride related reasons they remained cold as ice.

this particular time, it had gotten pretty nasty. richie had taken a joke one step to far, which had eddie fuming. he was frankly quite hurt because, yes, sometimes it felt like richie didn't know shit about basic boundaries.

there was yelling, so much yelling. the kind of yelling that you regret whilst it's happening but you're seemingly unable to stop yourself? yes, that one.

the yelling culminated in both of them go on their separate ways and the rest of the losers found themselves in the middle of yet another argument that would take a while to get resolved.

since they were on holidays, eddie decides to stay in the whole silent treatment week, not speaking to anyone. but it's not like it was a childish grudge, what richie had said hurt him a lot and he needed time to calm down.

and the same could be said about richie, except that with every day that went by, guilt started creeping in more and more until it was harder for him to sleep than usual.

on friday night he kept tossing and turning, unable to close his eyes for more than five seconds without feeling his anxiety being triggered. fuck, i need to talk to him. he checked the time, 4AM, although he didn't know why; he was gonna sneak out anyway.

he had done this a billion times, sneaking out through his window to go to eddie's. sometimes it was because of a simple nightmare and sometimes his parents would get very violent to the point where it was dangerous for richie to be under the same roof as them.

once he got to eddie's place, he climbed the huge tree in the backyard and knocked on the window of his boyfriend's room softly. at first, when eddie got up he looked slightly panicked, but when he saw who was at the window, his face shifted completely and he just seemed dissapointed. richie had seen that look a few times, and there were very few things that he hated more than that.

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