thirty eight ; i still want you

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" and wouldn't it be nice to live together in the kind of world where we belong? "


the losers club liked to think that things hadn't changed within the group after richie and eddie broke up but, deep down, they knew that wasn't true.

everytime it was the seven of them, there was an unspoken tension. as if something could happen that would make the world around them snap.

but eddie and richie tried their best to look healed to the rest of the group, to each other and, who knows, to themselves.

because they were far more sad than they were letting on.

they would both stay till late hours of the night thinking about one another and just how much they missed each other. but, of course, they didn't dare to speak up about it because they were sure that the other one was already over the relationship, even when reality was completely different.

sleepovers were usually an easy ground to walk on because they would sleep in opposite corners of the living room and that was that.

but this sleepover had a twist; bill's house would be empty for the weekend and so he thought to invite the losers to spend saturday night with him. they had a movie marathon and everything went amazing. little by little everyone started to doze off and eventually all seven losers fell asleep to the sound of the clock from bill's kitchen.

but only five of them got a decent sleep that night.

eddie woke up suddently, drenched in cold sweat. he ran his hand through his chesnut hair, slowly but surely coming back to reality.

a nightmare. i haven't had one in so long.

but he didn't lose much time dwelling on that because he was too busy trying to catch his breath. he remembered red eyes and terrifying jaws rushing towards him. surely another pennywise nightmare. those came every once in a while.

eddie inhaled and huffed, trying to will himself to calm down.

he glanced around the room and his eyes stopped at the silhouette sleeping on the couch. five sleeping bodies separated eddie from the silhouette, five sleeping bodies separated eddie from richie.

but the shorter boy shook his head as he laid back down (which didn't help the pool of anxiety in his chest).

so what if richie was the one to keep him sane after a nightmare? he didn't need him anymore, they broke up and that was that. eddie had no business waking him up.

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