thirty four ; part of me

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" rhymes that keep theirs secrets will unfold behind the clouds, and there upon a rainbow is the answer to a never ending story "


richie was walking back home very slowly, having no rush to reach his household, occasionally glancing at the still very bright scar on his palm that had been carved on him less than twenty minutes prior, hissing at the sight of it. it still stung quite a bit.

he couldn't get the clown's face out of his mind. it was gone for good now, that's what he and the rest of the losers so strongly wanted to believe. but there was clearly a shadow of doubt, otherwise his hand wouldn't have a deep red cut.

richie tried to be positive, he really tried to be. but he was a 14 year old boy who had lived the unthinkable and had come out alive. he didn't think he could handle to live it a second time, let alone take the risk of losing his friends or -

"hey rich!"

richie yelped at the sound as a tiny yet familiar figure jumped out of a bush to stand in front of him.

once richie realized who it was, he sighed and clutched his chest tightly. "eds! jesus fucking christ, give me some warning next time would ya? oof." he huffed. not a good time to be scared. he almost thought pennywise was about to slit his throat.

"okay, okay, sorry." eddie chuckled.

as soon as richie could breathe properly again, he frown at eddie. "wait a second, you... waited for me?" he asked, as a small smile formed on his lips.

eddie looked down, a slight blush coating his freckled cheeks. "well... yeah." he shrugged. "i haven't walked you home in a bit." he said, pouting just enough to be noticeable but not desperate.

richie chuckled, feeling endeared by the intentions. "you're right, eds. you're absolutely right." he bit his bottom lip, sending eddie a message that he could read all too well.

the smaller boy took a quick look atound before looking back at richie. "coast is clear." he said.

"hell yeah." richie murmured before grabbing eddie's hips and planting a soft kiss on his lips, dragging a soft hum out of eddie's mouth, as he grabbed the fabric of his hawaiian t-shirt between his fingers.

it wasn't very often that they had the chance to kiss outside their rooms so they were gonna enjoy it.

"okay, let's get you home now." eddie said once he pulled away.

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