Red Riding Hood

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After their final year at Hogwarts, the Golden Trio got busy. Harry James Potter becomes an auror and got married to Ginerva Weasley, who is working to become a professional Quidditch player.
While Hermione Jean Granger has been appointed as the second Head of Magical Law of Enforcement, having this job she becomes even busier and is determined to be at her best at all times. She and Ronald Billius Weasley are currently dating.

Tonight she's working overtime, making sure all files are checked and filled up. That appointments booked are scheduled correctly. Her life has usually been revolving around her work, and tonight she decided to finish things quickly knowing she still had overtime like the usual.

She promised herself she'd make time for Ron, as she did notice she was too preoccupied with her duties and responsibilities she barely had time with him. She finally closed the last file and with a wave of her wand her desk was back to neat. She carried her bag and apparated back to her apartment.

Upon arriving at her front door, she was excited to see Ron, probably dozed off on the couch or pigging out in the kitchen. When she opened the door, it was dark. She quietly stepped inside, it seemed too quiet.

She was surprised to see an unfamiliar piece of cloth on the floor. Oh please no... She thought and walked closer to it.

"Lumos" she whispered, and to her surprise, it is what she thought it was. A lace, fuschia pink lingerie. Her hand dropped, and her ears seemed to snap as she heard moans from their room.

Her blood boiled, she pointed her wand at the door, "Bombarda" she said in anger, and the knob, including the whole door, exploded. The spell must've gone along with her emotions that it gave off too much magic than what it was supposed to give.

She stepped in calmly, she saw her boyfriend--EX-BOYFRIEND she corrected, with another woman on their bed. He was on top of her. Both of them were shocked to see her, "Hermione..." Ron gasped.

"I'm so sorry to disturb, but I'll do this quick. I'll just be getting my trunk and you could go back to mating season as soon as I'm done" Hermione deadpanned. She felt so furious, but she didn't have any more energy to even scream her anger at them.

She flicked her wand and her belongings went straight in her trunk. "W-Wait! Hermione, hear me out" Ron stopped her, she didn't look at him. Ron quickly covered his lower body and made his way to her but she pointed her wand at him.

"Come any closer and I'll make sure you will no longer have the ability to bear any children with that woman or any woman you wish to f*ck" Hermione warned, Ron froze. He couldn't say anything, Hermione took one last look at the man she loved, and the woman who seemed to enjoy the scene of them breaking up.

"Please do proceed" Hermione motioned her hand, "I think she's too horny to even let us have a 'proper' break up" and with that she apparated.

She arrived at a bar, beside it was a hotel. She reserved a room, left her stuff, then changed into a blood-red, body fit dress. She tied her hair up, put on a matching shade of red lipstick and wore her best heels. She stared at herself in the mirror, she blinked back the tears, breathed deeply and left for the bar.

It was noisy and crowded. She didn't like it at all, but she didn't care. She just kept walking like a queen, not caring who she bumps. She made broken look so beautiful.

She sat at the counter, crossed her legs, sat up straight and gracefully lifted her hand up, calling for the bartender who was at the other end of the counter.

"Good evening miss. What can I get for you?" he asked politely. "A firewhiskey please" Hermione smiled, the bartender was enchanted by her beauty that he didn't want to look away.

"Right away" he winked at her, she giggled. As soon as he turned away, her smile faded and quickly shifted to Ron. Why did he do that?... Was I not enough?... I loved him, with all my heart. I was there for him, I've seen him at his best and at his worst. What more does he want? Sexual interaction? Was that it?... He knew why I wouldn't give myself to him yet. Was that all? Or is there something else?

Her drink was served, she took three shots and didn't feel contented. "Hey bartender, could you give me a whole bottle of this? The biggest you have please?" she requested, the bartender was surprised that this woman could REALLY drink.

Hermione drank straight from the bottle and started crying. "I hate myself..." she murmured. "Ronald're such a jerk. A bastard. A git!" little by little her voice went louder, as she finally finished the bottle of firewhiskey. She slammed her payment on the counter left.

The cold breeze felt good on her skin, her face was red and she felt hot. She looked around, looking for something, but didn't know what it was. She made her way opposite to the hotel where she was supposed to stay.

She just walked, slowly blinking, she kept walking. "Gosh my feet are killing me!" she exclaimed and removed her shoes, then continued walking. The streets were quiet, the wind blew softly, the streetlights brightly lighting the way. Hermione wasn't thinking straight, nor did she know where she was headed.

She caught sight of a bench and went to it, she sat down. She stared at her feet, and tears started to fill her eyes.

"Does she know that, you had me in the dark" she softly sung."Does she know that I had you from the start... Does she know that, the bruises never marks are on your heart, I had you from the start".

Tears fell from her soft brown eyes, she tightly shut them and covered her face as she sobbed. "Little girls aren't allowed to roam the streets at night, especially when they're alone, there could be hungry wolves waiting to prance. Are you aware of that"

Hermione looked up to see a pair of cold, grey eyes. Staring right at her.

"Wolf..." she whispered.

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