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Time flew by, things have been busy with the planning of the wedding, along with work. Their family and friends have been very helpful and supportive. The brunette had papers, sketches and planners scattered on her desk, she held her head as she sipped her tea. "I didn't think planning a wedding would be this hard." she said to herself, she was having trouble with picking a wedding gown, and she hasn't visited the bakery to check on the wedding cake. The hassle of planning was fatiguing.

"Why don't you take a break darling?" Narcissa often visited Hermione at her place to help her and Mrs. Granger, Hermione gave a small smile as she put down her pen. "Has Draco been around lately?" her mother-in-law sat in front of her, circling her eyes on the papers Hermione was working on. 

"Sadly not, he's been busy at the hospital for a week straight" Hermione replied, "And we respected my parent's request of him not sleeping at my place, or the other way around until after the wedding". "I see" Narcissa said as she picked up a piece of paper, it was the list of guests and the roles of each person during the wedding. "I know it's difficult right now, I'm sure Draco wants to be with you right now and help you with all this. But this is the part where you have to learn to understand your partner's work life, both of you have very different professions and schedules. However, it's still a matter of priority".

Hermione sighed, at these times, she couldn't help but have a small pinch of doubt but she always pushed it away and put her full trust on Draco. "Thank you, I believe in him, and I know he'll come around. He sends me letters of apology and he keeps reminding me that he loves me". But he hasn't been doing it for the past days...He doesn't write back, and when I see him at the hospital he barely gives me his attention. Hermione thought.

"Thank goodness" his mother sighed in relief "I was afraid I had to scold him for not making time for you, especially now that you're going to get married soon enough. You don't know how much this means to our family Hermione, we thought Draco wouldn't be able to find someone he'd really love, that he'd stick to the usual blood status. He's the Malfoy the changed that, scratched that standard off his list". 

The brunette and her mother-in-law chuckled at the same time, but were interrupted when Hermione's phone rang. Narcissa slightly jumped, "What is that awful thing?" she held onto her heart, "Oh, it's a cellphone" Hermione replied, seeing the resemblance when Draco hid behind the couch when the television turned on. Harry was on the caller ID, "Hello?".

"HERMIONE! COME QUICK! We're at Guerison, Ginny's water bag broke!" Harry said loud enough to ruin Hermione's hearing, "Oh my goodness, I have to go Mrs. Mal--"

"Mum" Narcissa stopped her, "Mum" Hermione quickly corrected herself and stood up, "I'm sorry, I have to go. My friend's giving birth" she grabbed her coat and apparated to the hospital. She bumped into Klein, "Klein! Have you seen Harry?" she immediately asked, "Oh Mrs. Malfoy-t-be!" Klein greeted with a cheerful expression "Yes, he's one floor up. Nervous as a cat I must say". "Thank you" Hermione said and ran for it, she found Ron and Pansy.

"Hermione, Harry and Ginny just got in" Pansy said as the exchanged hugs, "Want a bet that Harry would wet his pants in there?" Ron joked, "Ronald!" Hermione and Pansy scolded at the same time. Ron cracked up, Hermione was panting, as much as she was nervously excited for the Potters, she wanted to see Draco as well.

"I wonder how long that'll take" Pansy bit her lower lip, "Probably eight hours, since she's giving birth for the first time." Hermione replied as she sat down, "How'd you know?" Ron asked. "Seriously? Did you have to ask?" Pansy raised an eyebrow at her boyfriend. "Of course I did, how would I know if it's because she's the brightest witch of her age or is it the perks of having a healer as a fiancee" Ron retorted.

"Speaking of Draco, have you seen him?" Hermione asked, "Shouldn't you know? You're his bride-to-be" Ron said, Pansy shook her head. "Hm...Maybe he's busy with an operation. I'll go check on him later." Hermione said as she let out a heavy sigh. I hope I could see him sometime today at least. I miss that knucklehead. She clasped her hands, resting her mouth on the ends of her thumb.


A few hours had passed, the three friends were still waiting patiently outside the operating room. Hermione could no longer take, "I'm going to look for Draco, I'll be back in a while" she told the couple as she made her way to his office. As she was about to reach for the doorknob, a familiar nurse approached her, "I wouldn't go in there if I were you". It was Sheina. "And why is that?" Hermione raised an eyebrow at her, "He's entertaining a certain guest at the moment." she gave her a sly grin "Someone he's loved for a very long time. Longer than you I think.".

The nurse eyed her head-to-toe, "Someone much prettier, much sexier. Someone, with great family background, beautiful upbringing and...of course, pureblooded". "I'd be careful with what you say" Hermione chuckled as she tucked her hair behind her ear "You see, I'm getting married soon and...I think I can arrange yours too.  I have a groom available for you, someone who'd love to give you a kiss".

"A dementor, would be perfect for you don't you think?" Hermione gave a sassy grin at  Sheina who looked insulted "You and a dementor, oh I ship it!". The nurse rolled her eyes in defeat, "Don't say I didn't warn you" and she stomped away. Hermione smirked in triumph as she watched Sheila walk away. 

She was about to open the door when she heard voices from inside. "Draco, you're making a big mistake. I'm forbidding you from doing this!" it was the voice of a woman. It was familiar, "Please Draco I'm begging you, don't do this. She doesn't deserve you", her instinct was correct. It was none other than Astoria Greengrass. "I love you Draco! You know that I've been telling you this for so long. You can't say you don't feel the same way!" her voice sounded brittle, "Say that you still love me, and just end your relationship with her".

Hermione grit her teeth, her blood boiled and jaw tightened. "How dare you--"

She was about to burst through the door, "Tori I...I love you too". Hermione froze, her hand slowly slid from the knob as she stepped back from the door. Her lips quivered, her hands were shaking, she was in complete disbelief. "How can you say that Draco..." Hermione ran.

"Hermione?!" Pansy and Ron were going toward her direction, Pansy stopped her. She saw tears were forming from her eyes, "What happened?" Pansy's eyes widened. "Ask Draco" she wiped away her tears and looked away. "So much for love...tch!" she started to walk away from them, "Hermione wait--"

"Don't follow me!" Hermione cut Ron off and apparated. "I'm going to murder that bastard." Ron cracked his knuckles as he and Pansy made their way toward Draco's office.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now