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Draco Lucius Malfoy, is now the head of the hospital Guerison. He decided to choose the path of medicine to make up for all his wrongdoings for the past years.

"Mister Malfoy, someone would like to see you, I told her to wait at your office" said his assistant, he had just finished a surgery. "Alright. Thank you" he said as he removed his gloves and mask.

He made his way out of the surgery room, and changed back into his white coat. As soon as he entered his office, he immediately saw a familiar woman. "Astoria..." his voice was in slight shock. She turned around and smiled.

"What are you doing here?" Draco sat in front of her. "Just thought I'd pay you a visit. I missed you" Astoria replied, Draco stiffened. He no longer reciprocates Astoria's feelings.

"You know it's not going to work out Astoria, so please do stop wasting your time trying to get me back." he said straightfaced. Astoria frowned, she really adored Draco more than anyone.

"But we could try again right?Please..." her voice was soft and she seemed to want to beg him to return. "No. I'm sorry Tori, but it's really not gonna work out. I don't want you loving me too much when I can't give the same to you." he explained.

"But Draco...I believe we can work it out. We could try. Please Draco, I love you...you know that" she started to tear up, Draco gritted his teeth. He hated seeing women cry, it always reminded him of his mother. "Tori, you're becoming desperate. That's not you. Please, I beg you to move on." Draco tells her, but she shakes her head.

She kept on refusing to forget Draco, to move on because she believed that he was the one for her. "Astoria, maybe my feelings faded because my heart just isn't for you" Draco states and stood up.

"I'm really sorry." he finally said and left. All he had left for Astoria was pity. "Come on, I'll take you home. It's late" he offered, Astoria went to him and wrapped her arm on his.

They apparated together, and Draco left as soon as he saw her enter her home.

Like always, he took a stroll before he went home, from afar he saw a spot of red by a bench. Pitying the woman, This could just be a random prostitute trying to attract customers he thought, but regardless of his bad judgment, he approached her.

"Little girls aren't allowed to roam the streets at night, especially when they're alone, there could be hungry wolves waiting to prance. Are you aware of that little.red.riding.hood?" he said, the woman in red looked up.

Now that's not a prostitute... Draco was quite surprised at the sight of a sobbing Hermione Granger.

"Wolf..." she whispered.

Her makeup slightly smudged because of her tears, her face was flushed and her hair was a mess.

"Wow...you look terrible Granger that's for sure," Draco said it as if it were a compliment. Hermione tilted her head. "Don't eat me Mr. Wolf!" she cried and covered her face, Draco snorted. "Well you're too skinny for a meal, I'd say" he teased.

He then paused, looking at her from head to toe. He sighed, "Must I teach you on proper dressing?" bothered by her clothing. "What!? You want dressing when you'll eat me!?...No! Mustard, ketchup, gravy or whatever!NO! DON'T BE SO CHEAP!" Hermione blurted.

Draco scratched the back of his neck, "Come on Red, you need to get home or else you'll really be eaten".

"Whoooo arrre youuu?" she slurred, "Foul. loathsome.evil.little.cockroach" he said, word by word. Hermione's eyes enlarged, "Does that ring a bell?" Draco raised an eyebrow.

"Cockroaches talk!?" she gasped, Draco rolled his eyes at her. "Ferret, cockroach, what's next?" he said under his breath. I guess there's no point of asking her where she even lives huh?

Draco removed his coat and wrapped it around her, he picked up her shoes and carried her bridal style. "Hey, hey, hey!!! What do you think you're doing wolf!?" she struggled. "Calm down you lunatic." he hissed at her.

Just a few seconds later, she stopped. That's when Draco started walking, "Where did we go wrong I know we started out alright..." Hermione started singing again "Where did we go wrong or did you...did you change your mind. How could you change your mind...Who got inside your mind"

Broken-hearted are we? No wonder you reek of firewhiskey. Hm... The git Weasel-bee? Draco thought. You'll be alright Granger.

As he walked, she slowly drifted to sleep. He decided to bring her to a hotel near the bar.

"One room for this lady here please" Draco requested, "Ah! She's already booked here sir. Room 208" the woman in the counter said "Relations to the guest sir?".

"Just a friend, I'll be in and out as quickly as possible" Draco replied. "Here are the keys sir." she handed them.

Draco unlocked the room and gently laid her down on the bed. "Man, I was wrong" Draco let out a soft pant. "You are heavy".

Draco covered her with the duvet. He removed her ponytail and stroked it upwards, he looked around the room. He saw her open trunk, her clothes were a mess. She was probably hurrying. Curious. What the bloody hell happened to you and Weasel-bee?

He faced back at her, "You'll have a headache in the morning. Then probably throw up." he predicted, Didn't know little red riding hood looked this beautiful up close.

He opened the door and looked one last look at Hermione, "Guess I'll see you around Granger." he said and quietly left the room.

Before he left, he approached the woman in the counter, "Tomorrow, please bring her a large bowl of soup. Please make sure it's warm. Not too hot nor cold. Also, lots of water if you please." he requested. "Alright sir, that won't be a problem" the woman nodded.

So that's what a beaver acts like when drunk. Annoyingly adorable. Tch.


Credits to the owner of the picture I used above 😄

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