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Hermione still hasn't woken up, she became unconscious after the operation. Draco watched her all day and not, awaiting her eyes to open.

"This reminds me of a cartoon I watched with Kate"Blaise recalled "Sleeping Beauty!  The prince finds a  princess in a deep sleep, he kisses her and she wakes up.  Then they get married and live in their kingdom and boom happily ever after!".

"Really? Do you think that's possible?"Draco scoffed, "Why don't you give it a try!"Blaise suggested,  "No. That would be taking advantage of her" Draco leaned back on his chair, refusing Blaise's suggestion.

"Oh come on! Maybe it'll work, my proof is that it happened to Snow White" Blaise argued, "Snow who?" Draco asked, "Snow White! She was poisoned by an apple from an evil witch and she died but a prince kissed her and she lived!" Blaise told him.

"Blaise, I'm no prince charming that gives away kisses that raise people from the dead." Draco reminded him "I'm a doctor".

"But it sounds like your love story!" Blaise exclaimed "She's the poisoned princess,  you're the rich arrogant prince that lives in a ginormous manor that finds her unconscious so then boom! KISS HER ALREADY!".

Draco whacked his friend in the head, "You and your wide imagination. Cut it out!".

The door flew open to reveal a wheezing Theodore Nott, "What's that in your hand?" Blaise asked Draco's eyes seemed to light up upon seeing it.

"It's a guitar, found it in Draco's room when I was looking for something at home" Theo replied, "You went to my room?! "Draco gasped, Theo smiled at him nervously.

Draco snatched it from him and held him by the ear,  "My room is off-limits" Theo sweatdropped "s-s-sorry master Draco". "I didn't know you used that thing" Blaise commented. Draco looked at Hermione and started strumming, "Lover boy's starting to court the little miss" Theo whispered at Blaise, it was their cue to leave.

"I wanna watch!" Theo wouldn't let go of the door frame but Blaise dragged him out, "You really don't know anything about privacy"Blaise scolded.

"I've watched those eyes, light up with a smile
River in the not good times
Oh you taught me all that I know"  Draco started singing as he strummed his guitar.
"I've seen your soul, grow just like a rose
Made it through all of those thorns
Girl into the woman I know".

He glanced at her, "And it's killing me... Me to say, I'm fine, I'm fine
When I really mean,  mean to say--"

Draco focused his eyes on her, his heart fluttered and pained at the same time, "You're my all and more
All I know, you taught me"

"You're my all and more..." he held her cold hand, "You may not be hearing me right now but... I've always wanted to tell this".

He put down his guitar and put both his hands on her small hand, "I like you" he whispered.


Hermione's eyes fluttered open, she stared at the ceiling for a short while, she felt pain on her arms and hips, the memory came to her. Right, I almost lost my torso.

She felt sore, her eyes wandered to a feeling of warmth close to her right hand. "Draco... "she said softly, he was asleep.

It took a huge amount of effort to raise her hand just so she could touch his blonde locks. She's having difficulty since her stitches were still fresh.

"How silky your hair is..." she smoothed his hair, he moved. Hermione lowered her hand, "'re" Draco rubbed his eyes,  "You're awake!".

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now