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Hermione was back in the hospital, her mum had finally awoken from days of unconsciousness."How are you feeling mum?" Hermione asked as she held on to her mother's hand.

"I'm feeling much better Mione. I'm sorry for being such a burden"she apologized, Hermione shook her head."No mum, you are not. You were attacked and I'm glad you're awake." Hermione smiled.

"Good morning Mrs. Granger"Draco stepped in, Draco's eyes met Hermione's brown crystal orbs, a smile formed from their mouths.

"How are you feeling?" Draco asked, "Much better doctor. Thank you. You're the one that saved me right?"Mrs. Granger examined his face, Could this be the man that dearest was talking about that Hermione seemed to take a liking? What a handsome young man he is.

"I'm one of them."Smiled Draco as he checked on the space where her arm as cut off. Draco sat down to replace the bandage "Ferula" it created a bandage and splint on Mrs. Granger's shoulder. "How is your breathing Mrs. Granger?" asked Draco making sure he doesn't miss a single detail.

"It has improved, thank you very much"Hermione's mother retorted, there was a knock on the door, "I'll get it"Hermione stood up to open it, she was surprised to see her dad along with her group of friends, even Theo and Blaise.

"What are you all doing here?" she asked, "Ginny suggested we visited you and your mum, Luna tagged along and so did these two"Harry pointed at Blaise and Theo who waved at Hermione.

"Are you sure you want them in?" she whispered to her dad, "It's no trouble, she loves having guests you know that" her dad assured her, she was hesitant but she let them in.

"Hello Mrs. Granger"they all said in unison, Mrs. Granger nodded at them, Draco's eyes widened when he saw his two friends with them. "Hi Draco!" Theo and Blaise waved as though they had seen him for the first time in decades. Draco massaged his temples thinking, Maybe I am to dissect those two afterall.

Draco and Hermione looked at each other and their eyes seemed to have a conversation. What is everyone doing here?

I have no idea,  I'm sure this is going to be lively

Hermione introduced all of them to her parents, "Nice to meet all of you, I'm relieved to see that Hermione has a lot of company now that she's no longer living with us" Hermione's mother stated.

"Oh,Granger,don't forget to introduce your future husband!" Theo chirped, Harry,Luna and Ginny's eyes widened upon what they heard, they faced Theo, and then back at Hermione and Draco.

Hermione and Draco looked at each other and looked away blushing in embarrassment. "Oh, so you two are dating now?" Mr. Granger didn't seem surprised, "No! No! " the two said in unison.

"Oh Draco, don't lie. You're just shy to admit that Granger sets your heart a Blaise" Theo cracked up, "Get that? A BLAISE?! " as he pointed to Blaise who had a Seriously? Look on his face, so did Harry and Ginny, Luna on the other hand let out a giggle. Blaise slammed his hand on Theo's face pushing him away, "And he brought his HYSTERICAL puns with him all thw way here... How embarrassing" Blaise mumbled as rolled his eyes at his friend.

"Was that supposed to be a pun?"Harry scowled, "It wasn't very funny"Ginny agreed with her husband.

Draco sighed, "I apologize for their noise Mr and Mrs. Granger".

"Oh it's no trouble, it's quite fascinating to see what your friendship is like" Mr. Granger replied, they kept Mrs. Granger company until lunchtime before they said their farewells.

Mrs. Granger was discharged after a few days, Draco left some instructions on what to do with her wounds for it to completely heal, the Grangers were very much thankful to have met Draco and made sure to say goodbye to him and Hermione before they went back to the muggle world.


Hermione was on her way home when she came upon Astoria, There's Draco's future wife... Hermione immediately thought, Astoria looked fashionable as always.

Astoria was wearing a blue-green, silk blouse, along with a black pencil skirt, topped with a black coat and matched with shining, black ankle boots.

Why can't I look good in those kinds of clothes? Hermione couldn't help but look down at her attire.

She caught Astoria looking at her, Hermione smiled at her. But to her surprise, Astoria seemed irritated with her.

"What are you smiling about?" she spat and walked past her, Hermione turned,her eyes followed Astoria's back. "What's her problem?"Hermione mumbled to herself and just kept walking. Disturbed with what had just happened.

"Hermione!" someone called out, she looked around to see who it was, someone tapped her shoulder from behind, she turned to see Draco. "Hi" he gave her a goofy smile.

She couldn't help but smile back, "Headed home?" he asks, she shook her head."Great, I'll walk with you then" Draco said happily, knowing that they could just apparate, even Hermione thought that walking wouldn't be that bad.

"Why the sudden accompaniment?" Hermione asked "You must've missed this pretty face". Draco burst out in laughter, "What face?".

Hermione slapped his arm, but it didn't seem to hurt him at all. "I could just punch you right in the nose again Draco, I am more than willing to do it again".

Draco back away, "No thanks", but he was snickering behind her. "Why did you agree on me accompanying you then?" Draco asked "It looks like YOU were the once that missed my irresistible face and heart fluttering charms" he brushed his hair back.

"Oh is that a face?!" Hermione acted all shocked and covered her mouth with both her hands "I thought that's a foot".

Draco held his chest and put the back of his hand on his forehead. "Oh my beauty has been offended! Being compared to that of a foot,  oh it is so heartbreaking." he was being dramatic, Hermione couldn't help but chortle.

"You woman, shall be punished for calling this masterpiece a fuot! ped! pod!" Draco wiped his fake tear with one finger "I shall not tolerate this".

Hermione laughed so hard at his act, Draco laughed along with her. "You could be part of a theatrical play, or even a soap opera" Hermione applauded him "You'd do horrible!".

"How supportive of you, I shall prove you wrong of thy judgment on thy performance" Draco flipped his imaginary long hair at Hermione.

I didn't think seeing her this happy would really make my day... Why is that? Draco questioned himself in his head. I hope she doesn't see right through me. These thoughts might just ruin our friendship, I'm not risking that...

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now