A Talk

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Hermione was tossing and turning that night, she was never comfortable sleeping in a hospital bed. But thankfully, she regained her strength. She didn't want to miss any more days at work.

The nurse came in to bring in her breakfast, "Thank you" Hermione smiled politely at the nurse. The nurse didn't take much notice of her, Hermione seemed to notice that she even glared at her once. But she just shook it off.

Her breakfast consists of warm vegetable soup, scrambled eggs, boiled chicken slices and there was even rice with it.

"How are you? " Draco came in to check on her, she felt irritated upon seeing him. "Much better thank you" she said, being civilized. "Have you been eating everything given to you? " Draco asked as he sat beside her writing down on his clipboard.

"Yes. I don't want to stay here nor sleep on this horrible bed" Hermione complained, "Excuse me? The beds here are sure to give comfort to patients" Draco defended and thereby started another argument between them.

"Well, it wasn't for me. I never liked sleeping in hospital beds. Gives me a bad back in the morning for some reason" she told him as she was enjoying her breakfast.

Draco seemed to enjoy watching her as she ate, "But you do seem to enjoy the food" Draco chuckled, Hermione didn't deny it.

"So, can I get out of here before lunch? " Hermione asked hastily "I really want to go to work".

"Someone's in love with their job" Draco commented, "I've missed 3 days, I can't have it at 4" she snapped at him, she can just imagine the pile of paperwork on her desk and the duels she might've missed.

"Alright, alright woman. You're good to go by 10:30 AM. " Draco stated, he checked her vitals, "Yep. You're good to go later. Stop eating cigarettes for your meals if you don't want to end up here".

Her face suddenly fell, "I'll try" she said softly. She immediately was reminded of her breakup with Ron. "Now what's gotten into you? " Draco asked as he was about to leave.

"That night I was in that red dress... "Hermione begun, Draco felt that he should stay and listen to what she had to say. "That was the night of the breakup...Ever question yourself, what did I ever do to deserve to be cheated on? ".

Draco saw the sadness in her eyes, he noticed she was trying to hold back the tears. "You could cry you know? " Draco told her, but she shook her head. "Gosh... And here I am talking to my archenemy as though we were friends" Hermione leaned back and sighed.

"are we not? " Draco said surprisingly, Hermione looked at him, blinked a few times, Did he just say we're friends?

"Are we?"

"I don't see a reason not to be, Granger" Draco stood up, "You surprised me there Malfoy" she gave a small smile. "Then I'll take that as a yes" He nodded at her, "I'm leaving" he waved goodbye at her and left.

What just happened there? So Malfoy and I are friends now? Really? I mean, I guess he's not that bad but he's the one that said we were. Maybe he just felt sorry for me since I am really sad at the moment.


Hermione was finally back to work, she had a lot of catching up to do. Including a new case of extrajudicial killing.

"The woman was murdered at Knockturn Alley yesterday, at around 12:32 in the morning. The woman's body was missing a right arm" explained her colleague Brent Heathers.

"Now that's disgusting, the person murders and takes a part of the victim. Someone isn't satisfied" Hermione was ticked off by this, "Any leads on this matter? " she asked.

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