Salt & Sugar

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Blaise and Theo opened the door to Draco's room to find him snoring loudly, "Well that's embarrassing"Blaise pinched the bridge of his nose.

Theo shut the door, Blaise gently shook Draco, "Draco,  Draco, Draco wake up! Granger's looking for you".

But Draco didn't fuss, his hand flew, slapping Blaise which took him by surprise. "Why you little... "Blaise hissed, "That's not how you wake him up" Theo pushed Blaise, he stretched and cracked his knuckles.

"WAKE UP!!!" Theo screamed at Draco face, Draco woke up in shocked but his fist flew straight to Theo's face.

Draco blinked a few times but fell right back to sleep.

"Why you insolent brat!" Theo rolled his sleeves, "You hold him by the arms, I get the legs" Blaise said and held Draco by the legs.

He and Theo carried a sleeping, snoring Draco down the stairs, Hermione gasped. What the bloody hell?

"M-Malfoy?" she stuttered, Blaise and Theo dropped Draco on the couch with a loud thud that finally woke Draco.

"What the bloody--" Draco rubbed the back of his head, he stopped in his words upon seeing Hermione at foot of the couch seated at the wingback.

"Hell..." he finished his statement. "Good morning" Hermione didn't know how to start the conversation.

"Good morning..." Draco said back, Blaise and Theo had their arms crossed, they were waiting for something romantic to happen between them.

Draco cleared his throat, but they didn't get the message. "Blaise, I think you should serve our guest some of the raspberry tea" Draco spoke to shoo them away.

"Ah of course!" Blaise said and was about to leave,  "Please take Theo with you" Draco stopped him, Blaise pulled Theo, and they left the two alone.

"So uhm..."Draco scratched the back of his neck "What's up? ".

Hermione was a bit distracted with he way he looked, he was wearing a black tank top that revealed his pale yet appealing biceps. All along she thought he was skinny beneath the robes and layers of clothing.

Keep your focus Hermione, if he notices you looking at him googly-eyed you're dead meat she reminded herself. But he looks quite cute with his messy hair and sleepy eyes.


She sat up straight and tucked one leg beneath the other, "I came to discuss something regarding my mum's attack" she began.

"Of course" Draco nodded "Ask away".

"There has been a similar attack last Tuesday, a woman lost her right arm, while mum lost her left arm. But, the first case was that the woman was murdered" Hermione explained straight-faced.

Draco listened intently to what she was telling him, "Then thank Dumbledore your mother wasn't killed".

"Exactly, but what is distasteful is that the criminal has been taking body parts. I would like to ask how did my mother act upon arriving at the hospital?"Hermione eyed him.

Draco furrowed his brows, remembering that unpleasant scene. "It wasn't very pretty, you sure you wanna hear it?" Draco raised an eyebrow "It's not like your typical fairy tale story, not for little girls".

Hermione clenched her fists, is he teasing me yet again? "I'm not a little girl anymore Malfoy, and let me remind you I am one of the highest ranks in the Auror office. I have been trained to handle these kinds of situations" she snapped.

Draco wrinkled his forehead and his mouth curved downward, impressed with her. "Nice one" Draco ran his fingers through his blonde locks.

He better not be acting all cute with me, I will hex him anytime Hermione crossed her arms, "Anyway, your mother was shrieking and shaking. Her eyes were wide open as if they wanted to pop out. She was all covered up in blood, her screams were gut-wrenching and what she faced was like an imperius and cruciatus combined" Draco started explaining.

Hermione leaned forward, getting very serious by the moment. What pain that must've been.

"It took almost an hour to finish the whole process. She was possessed by some black ball of ash that escaped her mouth after we successfully finished the cure. Including that, when I blasted off the ball of ash,  a black piece of crystal fell from it."Draco finished.

"Tea is served!" A cheerful Theo came holding a tray, he placed it down on the center table, "I hope you two aren't arguing or anything" Theo looked at the both of them.

"Oh we aren't" Hermione assured him "Thank you for the tea", "Where did you get these?" asked Draco as he poked through the bowl of cookies.

"I made them!" Blaise shouted from the kitchen. Draco backed away,  as though he were afraid of the food.

"Now don't get too close to each other, you might cookies" Theo yet again laughed at his own pun. "Catch that? cookies?" he laughed as he left Draco and Hermione blinking awkwardly at him.

"Cooties... " Hermione muttered, she suddenly gave a faint laugh. "Did you just laugh?" Draco furrowed his brows, Did she just laugh at that lame pun?

"No!" she denied it. "You did!"Draco covered his mouth in shock.

Hermione shook her head and drank her tea, Why did I even laugh at that pun? It was horrible.

"Something's wrong with you woman" Draco sighed and picked up a cookie. He bit it and gagged.

"It tastes like the sea!" Draco drank some of his tea to wash it off. "How come?" Blaise looked confused "I used the right ingredients".

"Are you sure you used sugar instead of salt?" Hermione asked, Blaise came and showed them two clear jars marked separately with Salt and Sugar.

Draco opened the jar with sugar marked on it and lightly dipped a pinky to taste it. "Nope! That's not sugar mate" he shook his head.

"Let me guess... "Blaise let out a loud sigh, "Theo refilled those jars, didn't he? " Draco said. Blaise went back to the kitchen and sermoned the difference between salt and sugar to Theo.

"They look the same" Theo argued, "But surely they don't taste the same" Blaise hissed.

"I'm sorry about those two"Draco apologized to Hermione, he felt a bit embarrassed with how his friends acted even though they had a guest.

"I don't mind" she smiled "Anyway if you could come with me later, I just had a thought that maybe the other body of the woman contained the same shard in her body".

"Alright," Draco said immediately with no hesitance at all. "If you don't mind, please wait here for a bit while I get ready". Hermione nodded in response and Draco left not wanting to make Hermione wait for too long.

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