Love Someone

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Ron and Hermione apparated back to Guerison where Pansy was with Astoria, "Where's the ferret?" Ron asked, "He went out for a bride hunt, he's specifically looking for a beaver" Pansy replied as she kissed her boyfriend's cheek. "What's she still doing here?" Ron sees Astoria behind Pansy. 

Hermione stiffened, she didn't know what to think. "I..." Astoria's face was covered in shame, she stepped forward toward Hermione, trying to swallow the lump in her throat. "Hermione...I...I'm so sorry". Hermione was taken aback when Astoria fell on her knees, "Astoria what are you doing!?" bellowed a man's voice. They turned to see Mr. Greengrass, "Why are you kneeling before that woman?!". "Father please, for once, do not interfere with my actions." Astoria's voice was shaking "Let me do something right...something good for once".

Mr.Greengrass was enraged, "You don't need to apologize to that woman. You know you're the one that deserves Draco and not her". "With all due respect sir" Mr. Granger appeared, ready to defend his daughter. "Stop using the word 'that' on my daughter, she's not an object. She's a human being, and if you can't respect that, then this lady before her surely didn't inherit your character. Thank God".

Mr.Granger's statement was enough to shut Mr. Greengrass' mouth, "Thank you sir" Astoria faces Hermione's dad, then back at Hermione "I wanted to ask for an apology. For everything, I've done. I'm deeply, terribly sorry. I understand if you want me to stay away from you and Draco...What I did was really bad I got in the way of your relationship. Because I envy you...".

Hermione was surprised, "E-Envy...? Me, but why?". "Not only do you have Draco, but you're so outgoing, so brave and bold, you have the beauty and the brains, the strength and real friends, a family who's there for you, who truly care and love you. All that I don't have, it's like you almost have everything that... I can't let you have Draco too." Astoria sobbed "I'm so, so, sorry Hermione".

Hermione was shocked, she didn't expect that the girl she envied, actually felt the same way, she got down on her knees too, holding on to Astoria's shoulders and pulled her in a hug. Which surprised everyone, except Mr. Granger. "Lesson learned, us girls should admire and lift each other up, not envy what the other has. Thank you Astoria..." Hermione said wholeheartedly "What you did hurt me a lot, but...I appreciate this so much.".

Astoria let out a smile, and cried even more. "You don't know how much this means to me".

Hermione helped her get back on her feet, Mr. Greengrass went to his daughter, "Come on, let's go home." he said in a more gentle voice. "You did good squirt" Mr. Granger gave his daughter a hug, "Thanks dad." Hermione rested her head on her father's chest. She felt exhausted but happy.

"Hermione" the brunette turned upon hearing a familiar voice, she sees Draco panting, his hair was messed up and his clothes were unkempt. Their eyes met, and connected. "Come on! Don't pretend like you don't want to just run and hug him" Pansy snapped at her friend, and like she said, Hermione did run to Draco and he caught her. 

She fit just right in his arms, "Thank God you're alright" Draco hugged her tightly "I could have dissected myself if you got in some sort of danger". "Well I could've dissected you for breaking my heart mister!" Hermione hissed, "I'm so sorry, I can explain" Draco said hastily, Hermione shook her head and just stayed in his arms. "All is cleared...All is well" she sighed, Draco kissed her cheek, his head bowed toward her shoulder covering his face, and her cheek tightly pressed on his chest. They stayed that way, words weren't needed. 

They're okay now.

"What happened?" Harry came out of Ginny's room, "A lot mate." Ron replied, too lazy to sum it all up "Ask Pansy to tell you everything if you want it detailed.". "The wedding almost got canceled, that's what happened," Pansy tells the raven-haired man. "Wait what?!" Harry gasped, "Mr. Potter, you can come see your baby now" a healer approached him. "Hey, love birds! Let's go see baby Potter" Ron interrupted Hermione and Draco. 

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