Found Love

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Hermione felt awkward, Pansy breathed in deeply and looked Hermione straight in the eye to show her sincerity and honesty with what she was about to tell.

"I wanted to begin with an apology"Pansy stated, thank goodness she agreed to speak with me, now let it all out. "I'm terribly sorry for having an affair with Ron when he was still together with you. Your breakup that night was one I couldn't clear from my head. It bothered me for a long time, I know you might think that it didn't matter to me like I'm some typical girl that was triumphant with stealing someone's boyfriend. No, I'm no longer that type. It never escaped my mind every day since Ron and I had an affair that you were a part of him and what did I have to be able to replace you... "

Hermione heard a crack in Pansy's voice, she didn't expect this at all. "But he did... Why didn't you tell me instead when you knew Ron wouldn't?" Hermione questioned,  "Because I didn't know how" Pansy answered honestly "And I was hoping you'd patch things up sooner or later, I swear I tried to distance myself from him. I really did, because if I were in your place, I wouldn't want to be cheated on...including that, I didn't want to be a second option".Pansy looked away, trying to blink back her tears.

Pansy sniffled and looked back at Hermione again,  "I really am sorry Granger...Even if I tried to be distant, he wouldn't stop pursuing me. Not that I'm putting all the blame on him, what I did wrong was I--" Pansy took a deep breath "I fell for him".

Just by looking at it, Hermione realized, She really does love him

Hermione pressed her lips in a thin line, blinked several times and looked out the window. I can't deny all her sincerity, I thought she would be arrogant but this...

"Does Ron know about this?" Hermione asked, "No. But he knows how I've longed to talk to you, but he thinks I'm too chicken to do so" Pansy replied "However,  I couldn't take it any longer. I had and wanted to talk to you because if I am to be together with Ron, I want it with no conflict with anybody. I want to have a peace of mind that he's really mine. While I haven't talked to you, even though you broke up with him, I didn't have that mindset that he was mine.".

I thought you did, I thought you really wanted to boast to me that he's all yours. What's happening now is all in the opposite Hermione thought.

"Every time he went home to you, I honestly missed him, I wanted to be with him but it was wrong. That night when that happened, I couldn't help myself that I gave in." there was guilt all over Pansy's face as she said that, she couldn't help but tear up "I'm really sorry,I sincerely am. For all that I did,  I stole him, broke your heart, and ruined your relationship. I know. It's all too much and I understand you may never forgive me for it. But I want you to know that I am serious with this apology.".

Hermione tried to find the right words to say to her. She appreciated how Pansy had the courage to approach her, she sensed her honesty as she explained her side, and her eyes showed deep sincerity.

"Parkinson... I, I really don't know what to say right now" Hermione finally managed to speak after a long time of actively listening.

"I understand, it's all too much to take in at the moment. I know you may be angry so I won't rush you to forgive or even to say anything, as long as you know how sorry I am" Pansy told her.

"I appreciate what you did. That you came to me,  I honestly was hesitant to speak with you because my heart still hurts." Hermione blinked continuously as she stared down at the table, she sighed and suddenly smiled.
"But I see now that you really mean that apology, I forgive you and thank you for coming to me".

Pansy's face lit up, her heart jumped for joy. "Really? No kidding?", She forgives me? Really?... Ron, she really is a saint.

"Yes. I don't want any more conflicts with anyone either, thanks again. You just lifted a heavy load from my shoulders" Hermione was grateful, her mind was cleared and she felt even better now that that was clarified and fixed.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now