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It was almost midnight when Hermione got a visit from a white owl, she received the letter it had in its claws.

Who owls me at this time?  She thought as she lazily opened the envelope.

Dear Hermione,

You may not want to hear from me right now for I know you're angry. But this is important.
You're mum's here at Guerison, along with your dad. Come see them, they're at room 109, second floor.

-D. M.

"Who the heck is DM?" she thought, but she shook it off,  oh I don't know, probably Dolores uMbridge smart pants. Who do you know that works at Guerison with initials of DM? Her mind said.

She hurriedly put on her coat and apparated to Guerison. Worry took over her body, "Mum!" she opened the door not even thinking to knock.

"Hermione dear" her dad was seated beside her unconscious mother. She went to hug her father. "What happened? " she asked and sat opposite to her father, she kissed her mother's forehead. Her father explained every detail.

"You should've called or owled me that you were coming. I would've picked you up" Hermione said, her heart broke even more when she saw her mother's condition. The look of horror was on Hermione's face upon seeing her mother missing an arm.

""The woman was murdered at Knockturn Alley yesterday, at around 12:32 in the morning. The woman's body was missing a right arm" Hermione remembered the recent case they were working on.

"I think mum is lucky... Very lucky" Hermione muttered, lucky she wasn't killed by this child.

"Thankfully,  doctor Draco was there. He and his fellow doctors saved your mum" her dad told her, "D-Draco saved her? " Hermione was surprised,  she thought that maybe because of her treatment towards him, he wouldn't have done such thing. But he was a doctor after all.

"you know him? " questioned her dad, "Yes, we were schoolmates," she replied, she felt guilty at how she acted. "How come you never mentioned him? " her dad was curious.

"Well, we weren't really friends back then..."Hermione frowned "And he was in a different house. He was a Slytherin".

"I understand, you should thank him. We owe him your mother's life." he told her "they were in that operating room for a long time, thankfully they saved her".

Hermione was downcast, she sighed multiple times, "What's on your mind Mione?" her dad noticed that she was miserable. From the moment she stepped in the room.

"Well... Dad, it's just that since the breakup with Ron,  I really wasn't well. It hurt,  then Draco saved me twice from who knows what danger I could've got myself into, and... " Hermione couldn't continue, her mind was being eaten up by guilt.

"And? " her dad was waiting for her to continue.  "And I kept acting badly towards him. I's like I still hate him for the way he treated me back in Hogwarts, but now he's trying to be my friend but I just... "she felt deep remorse for how she had been pushing Draco away, she no longer knew what else to explain to her father.

"Then talk to him. Go thank him, I think it's unfair that you treat him that way when he's making effort to become your friend." her dad advised. "And just because he treated you badly, means you should treat him that way too.".

Hermione sighed, she was crying. "Go,  maybe a birth of a strong friendship will be the fruit of you mending things with him" her dad said, "Now you sound like a pastor preaching" Hermione sniffed, her dad chuckled and smiled at his daughter.

"Go now or regret later" he encouraged, Hermione breathed deeply, composing herself. She didn't want him to see her face fresh from crying.


Draco just returned to his office from monitoring the workers, he needed a break. He sat down and stretched his arms and legs,  "And my butt is glad to kiss this chair right on the lips" he said as he went through some results of patients.

There was a knock at the door, "Come in" he said. "Hey Draco" it was Astoria. "What are you doing here? " He asked in surprise.

"I heard from your co-workers that you were in the night shift so I came" she went inside "And I brought you a midnight snack" she beamed.

She still thinks I'm getting back with her huh?  Draco mentally facepalmed, she placed the paper bag on his table, "Thanks Astoria, I appreciate it and all but you should be home at this time" Draco told her. Astoria's face fell.

He no longer calls me Tori like he used to when we were together Astoria thought I don't know what hurts more that he called me by Astoria or he obviously doesn't want me here.

"I was worried you didn't have anything to eat so I brought these" she tried to disregard the feeling,  Draco's face was emotionless. "Thanks... You should go home. I have work to do" Draco didn't know what else to say to her.

Astoria felt as though her heartstrings snapped, "If you say so, eat up then." she told him. He nodded,  she stood up and looked at him for a short while, "Bye" she waved, Draco didn't look.

She frowned in disappointment and left,  and I thought he was going to accompany me home... A tear trickled down her cheek. She wiped it and left before she could even have the urge to go back inside and beg him to get back together with her.


"Excuse me, may I ask where Doctor Malfoy is? " Hermione asked one of the nurses, "Maybe in his office, it's in the top floor miss. Once you leave the elevator, turn right" directed the nurse. She thanked him and went on her way, she finally gathered up the courage to go to him and really become friends.

She kept taking deep breaths as she was on her way up, she felt quite nervous, as soon as she reached the top floor she turned right following the nurse's instruction.

She felt ready and kept in mind her goal. She asked a person close-by if Draco was in, and he was. As she was about to knock, she heard a group of nurses pass by "Miss Astoria is in there again with sir Malfoy? " said one of them.

She halted from knocking, "Yes, she's really in love with sir Malfoy to even come at this time of day to bring him something to eat" replied the other.

She sighed, and walked away. Great timing Hermione.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now