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Okay, today you're going to be a better version of yourself. You don't need Ron. You'll do fine on your own, and besides, who needs a man anyway? Hermione was trying to motivate herself. She's been out of work for 2 days and she finally got back to her senses. Even for a bit.

"You can do this Hermione" she tells herself in front of the mirror as she continues to smoke her 5th cigarette for the morning. 

She slipped on a pair of shiny black stilettos, put off her cigarette, grabbed her bag and coat and walked out the door. As soon as she stepped outside, she tried to be optimistic. "Two days Hermione, you were out for two days you can't miss another day at work" she scolds herself.

She apparates to the Ministry of Magic, she stretches her arms and forces herself to smile. "Okay today, I'm gonna work work work work work!" she says to herself and walks like a model through the crowded hall.

Little by little her steps become slower, her eyes suddenly begin to shut and blur.

"Miss Granger!" some people from the crowd see her as her body slowly falls on the ground. "Granger!?" Blaise Zabini says in shock as he ran towards her, catching her before she could hit the ground.

"She needs to be taken to the hospital," said one of the workers, Blaise tried not to grin at a very serious moment. The bride is on the way Draco, the priest better be there already. Blaise thought as he apparated himself and Hermione in his arms to Guerison Hospital.

Healers immediately went to him as soon as they saw Blaise holding the patient. "I need Healer Malfoy please. This is urgent. His girlfriend just fainted" Blaise tells to one of the healers, "Immediately sir" retorted the healer as he left running.

The healer found Draco who had just left his locker, "Sir! You are needed ASAP" said the healer, without further ado Draco went. "What happened?" asked Draco as they both rushed, "It's your girlfriend, sir. She's unconscious." replied the healer.

"Wait what?" Draco said surprised but disregarded it for the meantime as the patient was his priority.  He hurried to where they brought the patient and was taken by surprise again.

He saw Blaise who was grinning and gave him a wink and a thumbs up.  What's that supposed to mean?  Draco glared at his friend and made his way to his patient of the day.

You again?  Draco's eyes widened when he saw her,  I'm not a vet you know? I work on people, not beavers.

He checked her vitals and ran some tests on here. "This woman reeks of cigarettes " he sighed. "Hermione Jean Granger!" Draco almost jumped from his seat when he heard Ginny enter.

"Pipe down Weaselette" Draco told her "You almost made my soul leave my body".

"Is she okay? What happened? "Ginny asked disregarding Draco's statement,  "She's gonna be alright. She just needs to eat, and get rehydrated" Draco replied.

"You? You're her doctor? " Harry looked surprised upon seeing Draco, "Ah! Harry my friend, fancy seeing you here." Draco said sarcastically.

It annoyed Harry, "Same to you Draco,  how's the wife and kids? " Harry fake smiled at him, Draco glared "I don't have those. Just because you have them doesn't mean you have to rub it in Potter".

"Shut it you two,  Mione's resting" Ginny shushed the two men, "As I was saying, your dear Hermione Granger was crazy enough to take cigarettes for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Her stomach's almost totally empty." Draco informed them. "Seems like she's been doing it for two days straight I must say"

"All because of my stupid brother"Ginny gritted her teeth, "Oh if I could get my hands on him, I am so going to pound that idiot".

Harry stepped back,  quite scared that his wife might throw a fit because of her anger.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now