The Coat

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Hermione woke up with a pounding headache and the feeling of nausea.

Where am I? She looked around, realizing she was back in the hotel. Wow...I made my way back here even though I was drunk?

Her thoughts suddenly shifted back to what happened between her and Ron yesterday night, and her face fell. She got up holding her head.

Here it comes...She felt something warm and icky coming up from her throat and she hastily went to the bathroom.

After puking, she stood up and flushed. And there it goes...

She stared at her reflection in the mirror, Look at you wonder he doesn't love you anymore, no wonder her he cheated on you. She was a mess. Hermione undressed and took a cold shower to refresh herself.

Somehow she still felt too hot, so she wore an oversized shirt making sure that it wasn't owned by Ron and a pair of maroon velvet shorts, she didn't plan on going to work for today only. Overall, she felt too tired.

There was a knock at the door, "Room service" she heard. She opened the door to see a bellboy holding a tray of soup, water and a few side dishes.

"Uhm...I didn't order anything. Maybe you're in the wrong room" Hermione said, "Hermione Granger, in Room 208" he read the paper stuck on the tray.

Hermione was confused, "Who would've ordered this...?". "The man who brought you here last night ma'am. Your boyfriend I think." the bellboy said.

"Hm...Oh well, thank you" Hermione took it in. Boyfriend? Ron? No. It couldn't have been. But..there's a possibility.

Did he follow me?

Hermione sat on the bed and sighed, thinking it was too good to be true...Ron wouldn't have had the initiative to follow me...He's probably enjoying himself too much.

But who brought me here last night?

She flopped herself on the bed, and suddenly caught a whiff of a strong scent of mint. She saw a white sleeve underneath the duvet, Hermione pulled it out.

I don't remember wearing a white coat to the bar last night...

Her eyes grew big, "W-W-What in the world..." she stuttered. "Draco Malfoy...Guerison, CEO" she read the embroidery on the coat.

She dropped the coat, too shocked. She shook her head and picked it up. Then read it again.

"No. It can't be" she blinked a few times and read it closer. "No! Impossible!" she looked away, and look back. She shook her head, refusing to believe what she just saw.

"Maybe if I look away longer..."

"And look again!" still says Draco Malfoy. 

"Him...Help me? Wow. What a miracle, or probably a bad omen." Hermione still couldn't believe it. Her eyes landed on the bowl of soup sitting at the table.

She decided to have it, and she felt a bit better. The feeling of the warm soup running down her esophagus felt relaxing. She was now sober.

She sat in her room in silence, remembering Ron again. Blaming herself for not being enough, angry that he cheated, she felt too sad and overwhelmed by everything.

She looked through her bag and found a small metallic rose container of cigarettes. "Just for now..." she told herself.

She placed herself in the balcony where a small table was, she pulled out a chair and lighted her cigarette. It's been a while since she had a puff.

Like for some people, cigarettes helped. Even just a little bit. She flicked her wand, creating an ashtray. She gathered her thoughts, everything about Ron.

It's all that she was now thinking about. I never thought he'd cheat on me like that. We could've talked it out... But looks like he preferred to just choose someone else than settle it with me... Those years, all those years we've been together through thick and thin. I don't get it...

The pain, the frustration was starting to get inside her head. She wanted to make it up to him, but when she was about to...he did something horrible. Hermione's heart was aching, she burst into tears as she continued to smoke it all out.

She put on some music to try and lighten up the mood but ended up playing sad songs.

She just sat in the balcony and smoked, she felt too depressed to stand up and order food. Nor did she have any energy to at least rehydrate herself. She just cried and smoked.

Frustrated and felt crippling pain. She heard a few knocks on the door during the day, but she didn't answer it. She just kept lighting her cigarette as soon as she finished one.

There was another knock at her door, she didn't care. But the knocking didn't stop, Hermione still didn't answer. She just sat there staring up at the sky, listening to ongoing sad songs, and smoking her sadness away.

She didn't realize the door had opened, "HERMIONE JEAN GRANGER!!!" a woman's voice boomed. Hermione knew who this noisy creature was, her best friend. Ginny Weasley.

"There you are, you insane woman!" Ginny caught sight of her, Hermione smiled weakly at her. "Gosh, you reek the smell of cigarettes!" Ginny fanned her nose.

Hermione didn't speak, Ginny pulled a chair and sat beside her. Ginny placed a paper bag in front of her friend, "I know you didn't eat" she says.

Hermione rested her head on Ginny's shoulder, "Am I not enough?" Hermione questioned. "You're MORE than enough Mione. Why the hell would you even ask that?"  Ginny snapped, she looked at her friend and saw as if the light had left her eyes.

"Hm...Malfoy was right. You do need a lot of cheering up" Ginny stated, "Malfoy?" Hermione wasn't sure if she heard correctly.

"Yeah. He owled me, and Harry about what happened to you last night. What happened? Did Ron and you fight?" Ginny asked, for Hermione, it felt even more painful when remembering from the very beginning.

"He was with another our place last night." Hermione managed to say despite the lump in her throat, as tears came along with it. "HE.DID.WHAT!?!?!" Ginny screamed in fury. "That lunatic! What in the world was he thinking!?? Is he on drugs or something?! SERIOUSLY!? At your home?! Shagging with another woman!?!"

"Yeah..." Hermione's lips quivered.

Ginny facepalmed, "Now I'm even ashamed of calling that asshole my brother...". Ginny wrapped her arms around her friend. "I can't wait to pulverize that sick, twisted mongrel. Wait till I get my hands on him, I will wrap my hands tight on his neck and ring him like a bell. What the hell was he thinking??!!" Ginny can't help but verbalize her wrath.

"I thought I was the only one he loved... I thought he only had his eyes on me..."Hermione sobbed, her heartbreaking even more. "Sssh...Now, now. He isn't worth the tears Mione. If he cheated on you, don't even think of giving him a second chance. This is already straight up from his own sister. You don't deserve that. He knew he could just talk to you, but he didn't." Ginny advice her friend.

"But...I love him" Hermione said hurtfully, yet with no hesitation.

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