Wonderlust Drive

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"I have to leave for work dad, but I'll send some fellow aurors to watch you" Hermione felt sleep-deprived, but despite that, she must set out for work to hunt down the criminal who was responsible for her mother's suffering.

"I don't think that's necessary Hermione. We can manage" her dad declined, but Hermione insisted, "I can't risk your safety while I'm gone.".

She kissed her parents goodbye, as soon as she left the room,  she was reminded of the talk she was supposed to have with Draco. "Is Doctor Malfoy around? " she asked, "I'm sorry ma'am but he just left just an hour ago" they informed her.

I really do have great timing when it comes to this kind of seriousness she mentally scolded herself and went home before apparating to work.


"YOU SAVED HER MUM?!?" Theo said loud enough to wake a half-awake Draco, "I can hear you loud and clear Theodore Nott" Draco blinked his eyes tiredly, Blaise and Theo looked at each other and applauded at Draco.

"Congratulations! You are finally introduced to Granger's parents" Theo kept clapping,  "With a good reputation" Blaise added,  "So? What's your point?" Draco yawned.

He had just returned an hour ago and he couldn't sleep because of all the noise Theo and Blaise were causing.

"It means,  it's your turn to introduce her to your parents bird brain!" Blaise snapped as he put over a plate of slightly burned pancakes in front of him.

"Won't his father be like You're nott to marry a muggle-born" Theo laughed at what he said was supposed to be a pun.

"Get it?  Nott?" Theo laughed so hard,  Blaise and Draco looked at each other in a You hit his head with a pan, I'll make it seem like an accident kind of way.

I can't believe I actually live with this creature, how did I agree to this? Draco blinked questionably at his friend.

"Well, I'm going to bed. So pipe down." Draco stood up sleepily, Blaise pointed at Theo, and Theo pointed back at Blaise.

"I meant BOTH of you knuckleheads" Draco hissed and made his way up the staircase. "Goodnight, sleep tight,  dream of Granger tonight! " Theo shouted out.

"It's morning already just so you know" Blaise reminded him,  "Oh right" Theo snapped his fingers, remembering "Good morning, have good sleeping, put Granger in your dreaming!" he corrected himself.

"Seriously man,  who taught you your vocabulary? " Blaise facepalmed,  "What? That's the only rhyming I could think of. I'm no poet" Theo shrugged.

Draco collapsed on his bed, face flat. "Ah, hey darling" he crawled in, if I do dream of her, I ain't sleeping no more and snored in no time.


Hermione arrived at work and saw Harry inside his office. "Good morning Harry" she waved at him, "And to you too" Harry smiled at his best friend.

"I've got news" Hermione said and sat down by her desk, Brent and Harry were all ears. "There has been another attack, remember the woman that lost her right arm? " she faced Brent, he nodded at her.

"Well, my mother was attacked last night. It was almost midnight when it happened, according to dad, she was all covered in blood and she was shaking and screaming, including that, she lost her left arm"Hermione explained in pain, she thought of her mother again and her brows furrowed.

"I'm so sorry to hear that"Harry put his hand on her shoulder, "But what's weird is, it was a child who did it" Hermione added, Harry and Brent were shocked. "A child? "Harry couldn't believe what he heard "How could a child be capable of such inhumane act? ".

"But according to the first case, the criminal looked like this"Brent opened the file and showed them the sketch. Harry and Hermione got worried.

"We can't have any more attacks like these, we need a plan..."Harry said as he sat down to think.

"The scene keeps happening at midnight or a little almost midnight," Brent said, Hermione studied the case, "And every victim loses a part of their body. What could the culprit be doing with those body parts? " Hermione held her head, this is sickening.

"I want results today, any information, any detail on this case." Harry stood up, becoming the head of the Magical Law of Enforcement had made him really earnest, together with him was Hermione who enjoyed fighting crimes and solving them.

"Malfoy saw how my mother acted after she was attacked" Hermione recalled, "Malfoy? How? " Harry gave a questioning look,  "He was the one who saved mum" Hermione replied, "Oh how could I forget,  he's a doctor" Harry pressed his lips in a thin line "Well, since I heard from a rather diligent source of your friendship with Malfoy,  why don't you go see him? " Harry gave a teasing smirk at his friend.

Hermione gave a perplexed look, "See him?".

"Yes, regarding this matter of course," Harry said as he held on to Hermione's shoulders, ready to push her out the door. "I shall accompany her" Brent volunteered, Harry shot Brent a death stare.

Brent got the idea, "Oh I remembered, I have to go do...yes, Mr. Potter right away!"Brent pretended to work on his desk, Harry gave a thumbs up.

"Now go Hermione. Be back in time for lunch" Harry told her, "But I don't know where he is" Hermione said trying to escape the job. I don't feel ready to face him at the moment. Hermione thought.

"Oh that's easy" Harry led her to his office, he unlocked a drawer and took out a very familiar item. Oh no he didn't Hermione mentally sweatdropped and facepalmed.

It was the Marauders map.

"There he is, in Wonderlust Drive" Harry said. Hermione sighed, "You owe me a bavarian croissant after this Harry James Potter", Harry nodded and she left.

She arrived and asked where he lived, a local directed her to a two-story house, it was quite big and had a modern design to it. She knocked on the door a few times.

"Hey Theo, go check who that is" Blaise told his friend, "No. Why don't you? " Theo was lying on the couch, too lazy to get up.

"You don't do anything around here, all you have to do is open the damn door" Blaise growled, Hermione was getting a bit impatient.

She knocked again, "Hello? anybody home? " she called out.

"Is that--"

Blaise and Theo looked at each other, "Hermione Granger!" they scrambled on their way to the door, "Hello! Welcome to our home" Theo bowed, "Oh" Hermione was surprised, Harry didn't mention Malfoy lived with Nott and Zabini.

"Please come in" Blaise said, Hermione dusted her shoes on the doormat and entered. "Sit down"Theo said as he accompanied her to the living room.

"Thank you" she said politely, "Coffee? tea?"Blaise offered, "Oh uhm... I'm alright. I don't want to intrude" she declined,  she was in front of two Slytherins and she hasn't composed herself yet.

"Oh it's not that much work" Blaise assured her, "No, really I'm okay. But thank you" she said, "I was actually looking for Malfoy".

Blaise and Theo looked at each other and exchanged grins, "Of course, we'll go get him" Blaise and Theo raced up the stairs.

Those two were... Cheerful...? She thought,  she didn't expect them to be that nice and welcoming when she arrived. I guess I judged them too quickly when I didn't even know them that well.

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