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Hermione invited Draco over for dinner in exchange for his accompaniment. She cooked boiled chicken with chayote, ginger, garlic and onions.

Draco watched as she did it by hand, "Have you ever considered using a wand while cooking?" Draco asked, "Nope. I enjoy doing things by hand, I'm used to it too since I lived with my parents" she retorted. "Interesting" Draco looked around in her kitchen and came across the refrigerator.

He opened the top part which was the freezer, "Whoah! It's cold in here" he exclaimed as he put his face closer to it, Hermione let him, she chortled at his curiosity.

Draco bent down and opened the door below the freezer that contained vegetables, leftover pizza, some chocolates, and other things. Draco shut it and noticed as if its lights turned off. He opened it again and closed it carefully. He did it again, "Hey Hermione, what is this peculiar thing? ".

"That's a refrigerator, or shortly, fridge. Where you keep things that need cold temperature to prolong its shelf life" Hermione explained, "I bet the lights turn off when you close the door"Draco commented, Hermione laughed and shook her head in amusement.

If he goes to the muggle world, I can't even imagine how he's going to act with the other appliances and muggle technology Hermione thought.

She finished cooking dinner and they sat down to eat, the soup warmed their stomachs, "Wow! This is really good" Draco complimented as he took one bite after another.

"Glad you like it"Hermione smiled,"How are things with you and Weasley? I never got to ask about it" Draco spoke. Hermione didn't feel any pinch of pain in her heart when Draco mentioned Ron.

"We haven't talked yet, but I'm sure he's happy now."Hermione replied, "Who did he replace you with?" Draco asked, "Pansy," Hermione said plainly.

Draco choked, "Wait what?!". Hermione shook her head,  "That's unbelievable!I mean--what the heck?!" Draco couldn't digest what she had said, she was Draco's friend but he didn't know that she was the same person that Hermione got replaced to.

"But we've talked already, she explained her side, she told me everything and apologized," Hermione told Him,  "I was surprised it was her that approached me.".

"Well, she really has changed. I haven't had much contact with her but I know that she had changed from her old self." Draco said "But I never thought she would do something like that".

"She loves him, I saw it in her eyes. I was contented that Ron chose her because just by her words, I could tell...she even cried" Hermione gave a weary smile, "What about you and Astoria?".

Draco furrowed his brows, "Fell out of love" he said straight-faced. "Why so?"Hermione was curious.

"Hm... Well back in Hogwarts, she confessed. But we weren't together, after our seventh year, she still loved me and I gave her a chance. The first months went fine, but when we were almost at our seventh it started to fade until it was gone" Draco explained.

"But she was still holding on?" Hermione asked, Draco nodded. "She still chased me, and I didn't like it. Between the two of us, it was her that gave out the most love.".

"Why didn't you try working things out?" Hermione was getting more and more inquisitive.

"I tried, I really did but it was for nothing. There was no longer warmth in the hugs, no more passion in the kisses. It was unfair for her if I stayed in the relationship when she was the only one investing love and effort." Draco said in all honesty.

"I saw her bring something to you at the hospital one night" Hermione mentioned, Draco looked up to her,"You were at the top floor?".

"Yes" Hermione replied, "Why?" Draco asked, If I knew you were there then I could've made Astoria leave ASAP.

"I was going to talk to you" Hermione replied "That was when I wanted to apologize about how I acted towards you and make a friendship but I didn't want to interfere. Besides, I heard the nurses passing by that Astoria was there and brought you something so I didn't bother". Hermione realized she was explaining herself too much, she shut her mouth before she could blab.

"I sent her away that night, I can't give her any hope that we can get back together because I know fully that we won't" Draco shook his head.

"Why did you fall out of love for her? She seems perfect for you"Hermione felt a sting in her heart as she said that.

"It's like... Even in the beginning of the relationship, I was looking for something in her. Like what mother said, find new ways to love your partner, look further and see more reasons to love her. But as I searched, there was nothing, maybe there was something... But it just wasn't for me" Draco explained. "Enough of her.".

Hermione nodded,Maybe you don't want to talk about her anymore because you're afraid to fall for her all over again Hermione thought.

"Am I too plain?" she suddenly asked, remembering Astoria's fashion just a while ago that made her realize she's making less effort on her clothes.

"No.You're not a plane" Draco made a joke out of her statement yet again "You don't even fly", "I didn't mean an airplane Draco!" she pinched the bridge of her nose.

Draco chuckled, "Ahh... Plain as in P-L-A-I-N." he motioned her to stand up, she was still wearing her auror uniform and her hair was down, "I think you're somewhere in between".
You're beautiful whatever you wear you hairball.

"How is that?"she raised an eyebrow at him, "I can't say you are because you're wearing a uniform, which suits you and your personality. But on some days you're wearing casuals, ehmm... " Draco didn't want to offend her.

"Spit it out" she snapped, "You're like a crude." Draco blurted out. A beautiful, intelligent, witty, bright--Shut up Malfoy!
Hermione sighed, "Oi! I didn't mean to offend you or anything"Draco apologized.

"It's fine, it's just that...Sometimes I don't feel like a girl. I have never been much interested in fashion, makeup or whatever the usual things girls love" Hermione put a hand on her hip and held her head. "And now I'm ranting to you about fashion problems as though you were a girl... Maybe because you're more of a girl than I am".

Draco hid his laugh, "I can say, I am much fabulous than you are" he said flipping his imaginary long hair.Hermione threw a spoon at him that hit his forehead. "Someone's jealous".

"Keep dreaming Draco." she shot him a death glare."If you're so bothered with your clothing, why don't you find a style that suits you? I'm betting formal will be your choice" Draco said to her.

"I'm not even good at choosing clothes"she facepalmed, "Wow. Do you even consider yourself a woman?" Draco teased, Hermione twisted his ear. "I WAS KIDDING! I WAS KIDDING! OW OW OW!" he screamed in pain.

She let go and smirked at him, he rubbed his ear that had turned red. "If you're gonna punish me, do it in the way I like!" he complained.

"Oh, so what does Draco like as punishment? Get attacked by a hippogriff or scared off by the telly?" she shot back,  Draco glared at her feeling embarrassed.

A kiss would be nice Hermione, how about that?  Draco mentally slapped himself. What the bloody hell Draco Lucius Malfoy! What's gotten into you?!

This is weird... This is strange. What's this feeling? Why am I thinking of her this way?... For Merlin's sake what is this!?!

"Uhm... I think I better go" Draco stood,Hermione checked her watch. It was 7:48 PM. "of course" No you shouldn't! Stay for a while you idiot,  I'm already enjoying your company and now you decide to leave?!

"Thanks for the dinner" Draco smiled shyly at her "I won't have to tolerate Blaise's cooking when I get home", "It's a thank you for walking home with me"Hermione stated "And don't be too hard on him".

"See you around then?" Draco waved goodbye, Hermione smiled, "Yeah. Take care." she waved back at him and shut the door.

"That idiot" she gritted her teeth and stomped her way to the kitchen to wash the dishes "Why is it when we're having a good talk he decides to ruin it by leaving?! And why am I angry about it?!"

Get it together Hermione Granger, you aren't attracted to him are you?


A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now