Apartment Celebration

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"Wait, wait, wait, WAIT!!!" Harry held onto Hermione's shoulders, "Are you sure about this? I mean there's still time to give back that ring and run for your life right?". Ginny bonked her husband, "Are you serious right now honey?!". Harry rubbed the back of his throbbing head, "It was just a suggestion sweetheart." he said, "And a suggestion you should consider  Mione" Ron . agreed with Harry. Pansy held Ron by the ear, "What is wrong with you men!?".

Hermione chuckled as she facepalmed, her heart was still fluttering as she flashbacked on Draco's proposal. She admired the silver rose on her finger, she always was fond of roses and figured that he remembered the time they were out looking for a gift for his mum when she saw one of the necklaces with a rose pendant on it.

 "I'm so happy for you Mione. Like beyond! You're about to enter the married life" Ginny gushed as she admired Hermione's ring, "And of course, it's really like Draco to go really far just for an engagement ring" Pansy smiled at Hermione "I can't wait to see the look on his mother's face once he tells her".

"You still got time to turn around and tell him you're not interested in marrying ferrets, or cockroaches if you prefer," Harry whispered over to his best friend. Ginny shot him daggers, "I was kidding" Harry laughed nervously. 

"WHERE'S THE BRIDE-TO-BE!?" Hermione's apartment door flew open to reveal her mother and father. "Mom? Dad?" Hermione stood in surprise as she went to her parents. "WHERE IS DRACO MALFOY?!" Mr. Granger bellowed. "Draco better run" Ron whispered over to Harry, his friend nodded in agreement.

"Mum, dad! What are you doing here?" Hermione asked as she flung her arms around her parents, "Draco owled us and we left as soon as we finished reading it" Mrs. Granger said, with excitement dripping in her voice. "But we could've just went to you and told you about it, your arm might not be in its best condition yet mum" Hermione said worriedly. "That's what Draco said in the letter too, but your mum couldn't wait till tomorrow to see you two." Mr. Granger tells his daughter. 

With just a poof, everyone in the room was surprised to see the Malfoy family, complete, standing in the middle of the living room. "Where's my daughter-in-law to be?" Narcissa looked around looking for the brunette, "Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy!" Hermione squeaked. "Sorry to come in short notice Mione" Draco apologized as he scratched the back of his neck. Hermione's apartment barely had enough space for all the people inside, "DRACO!" Mr. Granger called out, Draco immediately went to greet him and his mother-in-law to be.

Lucius blinked at his son, "He seems to obey the in-laws more than me" he mumbled to himself, "That's because you're such a grump dear" Narcissa patted his shoulder before approaching Hermione, "I'm so happy daffodils might just pop out of me!" Narcissa squeezed Hermione in their hug, "T-Thank you" the brunette could barely get her voice out with the tightness. "His uncle Wilhelm want to have the reception at their place, as he is, their favorite nephew" Lucius tells Hermione. 

"You better not hurt my one and only little girl Draco, I'm no wizard but I can make you disappear from the face of the earth if she isn't treated right" Mr. Granger held on Draco's shoulders firmly as he looked him hard in the eye "and if you don't love her the way she deserves to be loved". "Yes sir, I promise you that. You have nothing to worry about at all" Draco nodded, "Oh come on darling, just look at our little girl" Mrs. Granger says as they look over at Hermione "She looks beyond treated right as of now, how much more when they're married right?". Draco smiled at his mother-in-law to be, his heart just softened, relieved and glad that her family accepts him and is allowing him to have her.

"I'm Hermione's mother, a pleasure to meet you" Mrs. Granger smiled at Narcissa, she smiled back as they gave each other a hug, "So you're the lady that raised my Draco's bride. I must say, you've outdone yourself" Narcissa complimented, "Thank you, I could say the same for you. Your son is one of the most talented, caring, and respectful people I've met, I'm more than grateful that he is going to be part of the family." Mrs. Granger nodded in approval.

"So we don't get credit for playing a part as the father in our children's lives now?" Mr. Granger said who was standing next to Lucius who had his arms crossed "Women" he sighed and shook his head "You can't disagree with them". "Or you're dead" Mr. Granger nodded, "At least the boy got your looks eh Mr. Malfoy?" he chuckled, "And the young lady most certainly got your wits" the two men shook hands.

"I never thought I'd see the day that the Malfoys would socialize, how much more, consider muggles family" Ginny chuckled as they watched the two families exchange smiles and even more compliments and gratitude. "I guess the next thing we're waiting for now are the two idiot friends of Draco" Pansy said, "Blaise and Theo?" Ron asked Pansy nodded, "Aren't they your friends too?" Harry questioned.

"HAPPY ENGAGEMENT HERMIONE AND DRACO!!!" Blaise and Theo popped out of nowhere holding a cake, balloons and a bottle of wine. "Nope...NOPE!" Pansy shook her head as soon as she caught her eyes on the two noisy men. "We made you a cake!" Blaise said cheerfully, "Him. Not me okay?" Theo corrected "I don't wanna be blamed if that's not even close to edible".

"Did you invite these two?" Draco asked Pansy, "No, how dare you accuse me of inviting those two blokes?" Pansy spat, "We invited ourselves!" Theo chirped. Draco sighed, but let out a laugh afterward.

"Well what are we waiting for?! We've got a wedding to plan let's get moving!" Narcissa clapped her hands, Draco and Hermione looked at each other and just exchanged chuckles. "Some people are much more excited than us huh" Hermione commented as she stood next to Draco, holding his hand, "I think we should get married more often though" Draco suggested, "Huh?!" the brunette looked up at her soon-to-be husband.

"I've never seen this much support and ecstasy all at the same time" the blonde couldn't help but smile from ear to ear, "Do you mean the feeling... or the drug?" Hermione asked, Draco blinked at her in disbelief. "I was kidding! I get what you mean" Hermione chortled "You must've rubbed off on me honey".

Draco blushed.

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