Night Shift

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I knew I shouldn't have allowed him to sit with me. Now I'm all annoyed instead of relaxed! Urgh! That ferret is so irritating I could just...URGH! Hermione angrily stomped her way inside her hotel room and slammed the door shut.

"Oh if I see that idiot again I am so going to hold him by the neck and ring him like a bell" she kicked her shoes off, she turned on her phone and connected it to her speaker. "And he says we're friends...tch".

"This hurts like hell, but I keep telling myself
It's gonna get better
But it's taking forever... "

She lighted a cigarette and sat by her terrace. "Oi woman! " someone yelled,she looked down to check who it was. She simply glared at the spot of blonde bellow, it was Draco.

Thankfully the idiot didn't bother her any further. Why doesn't he get tired of bothering me?

There was a knock at the door, "Room service! " called out the voice outside, Hermione got up to open the door.

"Dinner is served! " she stood there to see Draco holding a take out meal. She slammed the door. "Ow! My nose! " he heard him say.

"You deserve that!" Hermione snarled, why does this woman keep on targeting my nose? Draco remembers back in their third year when she punched him.

"Oi Granger! Come on, open the door" he called out, "No way! I have had enough of you. I am really trying to heal myself from a heartbreak here, I have a lot in my mind right now and you add up on it" Hermione blurted out, tears came along with it.

Draco heard the crack in her voice, "Then I won't bother you anymore" Draco gave up "If it bothers you so much I'm sorry. I really am, I just wanted to be your friend you know? " Draco muttered to himself.

Hermione was leaning by the door, she heard it. Draco left the food at her doorstep, he stared at the closed door for a while. Secretly hoping she'd open it, but she didn't.

He sighed, why do you try so hard on being her friend when obviously she doesn't want to? You really are stupid. He took one last look at the door and left.

Hermione opened her door, she had a small hope that he'd still be there. But he wasn't. There was a small part of her that was disappointed. She picked up the food and placed it on the table.

Thank you...


Draco went home with a heavy heart, he felt bad for the way he acted towards Hermione. "Someone's cheerful," Blaise said sarcastically upon Draco entering.

Draco was silent as he poured himself another cup of coffee, "I'm leaving again in a while. I'm monitoring the night shift" Draco told his friend.

Blaise knew he's not going to get an answer out of Draco if he asked immediately what as bothering him.

Draco finished his coffee, "Don't invite your concubines while I'm gone" Draco teased his friend trying to lift his mood, Blaise scoffed, "Don't flirt with your nurses Mr. Guerison" Blaise shot back.

Draco sneered as he apparated back to his hospital. As soon as he got back, he was passed by a group of nurses pushing a hospital bed hurriedly.

He caught sight of a badly injured woman with excessive bleeding, she was shaking and was screaming. "What's going on?" Draco asked one of his fellow doctors, "A muggle woman has been cursed." replied his colleague "And she lost an arm".

Draco followed the patient, she shrieked and fought the nurses assisting her, they had to restrain her.

There was a chill that ran up to Draco's spine. He remembered witnessing many tortures, especially his mother's torture back in the Dark lord's time.

He hated it, "Doctor... Is my wife going to be okay?" a man held on to his coat, his hands covered in blood. "We will do our best sir."Draco assured the man "What happened? ".

He assisted the man to sit down, "My wife and I were on our way to visit our daughter when we bumped into a child that was asking for help because was afraid to go back home alone. We accompanied the girl and she led us to a dark, unfamiliar alley. All of a sudden, she whispered some sort of spell that hit my wife, that's what caused her pain" explained the muggle "Then...right before my eyes, her arm was cut off".

Draco was disturbed by this, a child. "AAAAH!!!" her shrieks become louder and gut-wrenching. "Please wait here" Draco told the man and automatically got into the operating room.

He changed and washed his hands and wore his gloves. "Sir, she's getting worse. She's losing a lot of blood" the fellow doctor said, deep inside trying her best not to panic.

Lord help me heal her Draco prayed in his mind and he took out his wand, he examined her body, it was all covered in blood It looks like an imperius and cruciatus combined. I can't even imagine what kind of pain she's suffering. "Wands out" Draco instructed two of his assistants. "We need to stop the curse as soon as we can so we can heal her wounds".

Pointing their wands at her, "Recite the Cure of the Possessed" Draco told them, they recited multiple charms in unison, followed by a spell they had to repeat numerous times. Draco got used to these kinds of behavior ever since he was a death eater till he became a doctor, but he couldn't help but become more afraid and nervous every time she screamed and her eyes were wide open revealing its veins.

"leave and come back no more" Draco said finally, black smoke came out from her mouth, Draco shot it with a bright, burning light and of vanished into the air, a small black shard fell from it. Draco took it and kept it.

Draco was relieved, and they immediately proceeded with healing and closing her wounds. "Hermione..." Draco heard the woman say faintly. This must be her mother he realized.

After almost 2 hours of being inside that operating room, Draco went out to meet Hermione's father. He stood after a long wait, praying his wife will be freed from that curse, he approached Draco with his eyes filled with hope, "The operation was a success"Draco said gladly, the man gave a sigh of relief.

"Thank you so so so so much doctor." he burst into tears of joy as he held onto Draco's hands, "You don't know how grateful I am".

"It is my job, and I am happy that we were able to save her" Draco gave him a comforting smile, "What's your name lad?" he asked, "Draco sir, Draco Malfoy" Draco retorted.

"I shall never forget your name doctor." he wouldn't stop bowing in gratitude towards Draco. "Now my daughter won't have to worry too much, I know she's in a lot of pain now as well" he frowned.

"By chance, is your daughter Hermione Granger? " Draco asked, to be sure. "Yes. How did you know?" Mr. Granger asked, a bit shocked.

"I heard your wife say her name a while ago, just right after she was freed from the curse" Draco replied, the nurses pushed Mrs. Granger's hospital bed out of the operating room, "Anyway, she shall be transferred in a much comfier room. Please ask for me when you need anything" Draco saif lastly.

"Thank you again so much Doctor Draco. " he took one last bow of thanks and followed the direction to where they were taking his wife. Draco's eyes followed them, Should I owl her regarding this? Or will her dad do it instead?... Damn it, I might be a nuisance to her by now.
But this is a serious matter... What the child did to Mrs. Granger was no ordinary crime.

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