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Harry decided to meet up with Ron after work, specifically concerning Hermione. Ron better give me a good excuse for what he did, or I might just turn into my wife and pulverize my best friend Harry thought as he waited patiently for Ron to arrive.

He drummed his fingers on the metallic table, looking around if there's any sign of a male gingerhead present. Finally, he caught sight of his tall, muscular, and red-haired childhood friend. Looking quite lively as he entered the restaurant.

"How's it going, mate?" Harry greeted him with a smile, "Doing great. You?" Ron asked back, "Never been better" Harry retorted, Ron froze for a moment. His smile falling into a frown.

"What's the matter mate?" Harry immediately noticed the switch of his mood, "Nothing Harry, just remembered something" Ron shook it off That's how Hermione responded when Harry asked her how she was...Hah. Wow, sharp memory. Ron thought.

"So,let's get something to drink while we catch up" Harry offered, Ron just nodded. Each of them ordered coffee, neither of them had the appetite to eat anything at all.

"So, how are things at work?" Harry started the conversation. Trying not to be too straightforward, Ron seemed to space out. But he quickly got back to his senses, "Sorry mate, just got a lot of things in my mind" Ron apologized "Work is fine. Less paperwork as of now, which is good".

"Great." Harry acknowledged, Ron pressed his lips into a thin line and his eyes wandered. "Harry, I know you want to ask about me and Hermione." Ron said. Harry stiffened, he inhaled deeply and exhaled loudly.

"Then please be dead honest with all your answers" Harry requested, Ron nodded. "What happened? What really happened, where did it all start and how did it end?" Harry started. Ron moved forward, There's no holding back now.

"It all started about 2 weeks ago, after she was appointed as second to you in her position at work. She's been so busy lately, she barely had time for me.

It felt so unfair because I was making time for her, but when I do, she's always tired or busy. Then all she seemed to care about was her work.

I'm a man Harry, you'll know how I feel. I want physical contact too, not just the usual hugging and kissing. I want more than that.

She still did the usual stuff for me like preparing my stuff for work, food, clothes, and others. But for me, it wasn't enough. I missed her. I missed having time together with her, I'm jealous that she could make time for you guys when she's at work while I'm stuck waiting for her to come home only to see that she's exhausted and just wants to sleep. That's when my feelings started to fade. Even though we were together everyday, we sleep next to each other and live under the same roof... The feelings started to fade mate. I hate to admit it but when she started losing time for me, so did I start losing my feelings"

Harry was saddened by the situation, after hearing Ron out he understood why his feelings faded. But Harry didn't just stop there, "But what solution did you think of making when that occurred?".

Ron was dumbfounded.

"I cheated"

"Once?" Harry asked, Ron nodded. "With whom?" Harry raised an eyebrow at him.

"Pansy Parkinson" Ron said honestly.

Harry was surprised, Of all the people you'd replace Hermione with??! Are you insane Ronald?!

"Why would you do that when you could've just talked to Hermione about it and patch things up?" Harry was disappointed with the actions of his friend.

"Because...Honestly, Harry, I didn't want to fix things with her anymore" Ron replied, with all seriousness.

Harry couldn't believe what he had just heard. "If I wanted to fix things with her, I would've talked to her. I know Hermione could be approached easily...But I've lost the love I've had for her. After seeing who Pansy really was, the love I've had for Hermione, is in a whole different level to Pansy." Ron admitted.

"And I thought you really loved Hermione..." Harry's eyebrows furrowed. "I know you're mad mate, I am too. At myself, I don't even know what to do with Hermione" Ron held his head on frustration.

"Apologize. She deserves an explanation. A damn complete and good explanation. She has a good heart Ron, and she's been your bestfriend for a long time. Don't be selfish and just think of your own happiness like you did when you cheated on her with Pansy, you just could've broken up with her the moment you've finally decided that your feelings have already faded. So her pain wouldn't prolong" Harry sermoned, making sure it would stick through Ron's thick skull.

"I'm not taking sides just so you know. I understand the difficulty of your loved one losing time for you. That's the importance of communication and patience because you can't be the only priority. You both need time, and after that, have a closure." Harry stood up and eyed on Ron. "You'll both heal...someday"

He left his seat and held Ron's shoulder "You could've just let her go at the soonest. You never know, someone out there, someone better for Hermione...someone who really deserves her is just waiting." Harry stated "Don't hold on to her if you aren't sure you're going to keep her. It'll just be a waste".

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now