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A week later,Hermione was discharged from the hospital and was brought home. She missed her apartment, she wasn't able to enjoy her stay since she was at the hospital for a week.

She could move better now, but she could still feel a twinge of pain when moving,  "I'll get used to this" she told herself. She undressed and went to the shower.

The warm water felt good as it ran down her skin, but as it hit her stitches, she flinched. She let her slender fingers gently touch the stitches. As she was drying herself, she stared at her naked reflection in the mirror, she almost lost both her arms and worst, her whole upper body.

She suddenly burst into tears, disgusted with herself. "Look at yourself, you're hideous" she criticized herself. She had numerous scars on every part of her body, scars from every battle she's ever fought.

Her face looked fatigued, "No longer the bright and beautiful self you once were huh?" she glared at her reflection, her eyes found the scar Bellatrix had left on her.

"Mudblood..." she was eye to eye with her reflection, "That's you". As she looked longer in the mirror, the more tears came out. Never has she been hard on herself, yet she couldn't stop putting herself down. "Blimey... Why am I even feeling this way? This is so unlike me!" she scolded herself.

"HERMIONE!?" her eyes widened when she saw Draco by the bathroom door, she turned red. Draco froze and his entire face heated up,"GET OUT!!!" she squealed as she covered herself and started throwing things at him.

Draco shut the door, "SORRY! I'M SORRY! " he shouted from outside the bathroom, "What are you doing here!?" she questioned, feeling embarrassed. That idiot! He could've at least knocked! "

"I was knocking on your door for like 5 minutes now for your information! I was looking for you" he yelled back as he leaned on the door. I should've knocked.

"Then you could've waited in the living room you idiot! Who in their right mind would march in somebody else's bathroom! " she raged, Great! Now he saw me naked when we aren't even married.  Brilliant!

"I was worried you hairball! You weren't anywhere in the house!" Draco snapped "Who knows you could've slipped and knocked your head on the floor and bled, then I could've saved your life for the fourth time!" Sometimes, I wonder if she's even thinking of her safety, or does she even consider people concerned about her!

"Why would you be worried stupid! I wouldn't get myself into that kind of clumsiness" she defended, Does he seriously think I can't take care of myself for a day?! What does he think I am,  an infant!?!

"Because I like you, you lunatic!" Draco blurted out, he covered his mouth a second after he realized what he just said. Wonderful! My big, fat mouth just confessed. I shouldn't have said that... I shouldn't have said that.

"I like you too you intensely annoying creature!" Hermione suddenly said, realizing it was no longer an argument, their conversation had become a confession.

Draco was caught by surprise at her unexpected confession, "Are you messing with me Hermione? Because if you are I'll do my best to laugh"Draco let out a doubtful laugh. Her? Like me back? That's... Almost impossible. But she just said it!  although,she could be getting back at me for teasing her most of the time so...

"What about you?" she returned the question without even giving a response, This is the MOST ROMANTIC confession I've ever encountered. Hermione said in her mind sarcastically.

"Why would I joke on something like that?"Draco questioned, "Then do you think I'd joke about it too!?" Hermione shot back. "Then why did you ask me if I was kidding?" Draco argued, "Because you questioned me first just so you know!" Hermione asserted.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now