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Draco recited the final spell as he shut the wound close," Just a little more Hermione" he mumbled.  It's almost an hour and they definitely didn't waste any second in this operation, "Leave  and come back no more!" Klein, along with the other healers finished the spell and released the black ashes inside of her.

Klein shot it with a beam of light, Hermione stopped shaking and screaming. Her mouth was covered in blood, and she had calmed down. "Draco..."Klein called, his face was showing fear.

Draco went over to him, he had fully stitched up her torso. His eyes widened, "She's not breathing" Draco muttered. NO! THIS CAN'T BE!

"ALL WANDS ON HER!" he screamed in rage, he breathed in deeply. "She lost a lot of blood from her mouth...Wait--! " he faced Klein, "The crystal!".

"No crystal fell from the ashes Draco" Klein replied, Draco pressed his hand on her neck and traced down to her chest, "It must be in there," Draco said, "We have to get it out in time or it poisons her".

Her body was starting to turn cold, "Hermione don't you dare leave me" he muttered, strikes of bright yellow light escaped the tip of their wands simultaneously as Draco chanted a spell.

"Am I dead?"

"Where the bloody hell am I? Why is it so bright.?" Hermione covered her eyes, "What are you doing here Miss Granger?" she lowered her arm caught sight of Professor Dumbledore.

"Professor Dumbledore!" she exclaimed, "Where am I?". It took her a moment to realize if professor Dumbledore was there then... "I'm dead".

"I shouldn't welcome you here" stated professor Dumbledore "It's way too early to arrive here, Ms. Granger".

"But here I am professor, I don't have a choice, do I? " Hermione frowned, professor Dumbledore raised an eyebrow at her, "I do?" Hermione gave a perplexed look.

"The door is that way miss Granger" Professor Dumbledore pointed at a golden door, "I must be dreaming... "Hermione rubbed her eyes.  "Of course you are Ms. Granger! Mr. Malfoy isn't allowing you to die" Professor Dumbledore snapped at her.

"Draco...?" Hermione's face lit up, "Yes, you see that?" Professor Dumbledore pointed at the cuts on her torso. "Draco stitched that, he fixed that Hermione" the old professor informed her "You can't waste that life he's trying to save by staying inside your dream".

Hermione closed her eyes, she smiled "Thank you, professor. I'll be going now".

Hermione gasped for breath, "She's alive!" the healers were relieved and joyful. Draco was dazed, he blinked back his tears, he held her forehead. "You gave us a huge scare Hermione".

Hermione didn't have much energy to speak, but she managed to smile her apology to him, "Close your eyes and get some rest for now" he told her, and she did. I'm so drained... I bet Draco is exhausted.

They cleaned her up, and got her out of the operating room, her friends stood up when they saw her.

"How did it go?" they all said in unison, Draco gave a tired smile, "She's alive".

Ginny covered her mouth and burst into tears, Harry gave a loud sigh of relief and gladness as he dropped himself on the floor, Ron and Pansy smiled, comforted by Draco's news.

Blaise and Theo gave Draco continuous patting in the back, "You did well mate, you did very well" Theo smiled, Draco was so tired but all he could think of was he had to go see Hermione.

"Let's go see her shall we?" Draco offered and they all agreed.


We all made our way to room 107, my heart was full of relief. I was afraid I couldn't save her... Draco sat down beside a sleeping Hermione.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now