The Invitation

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"Okay wait wait wait" Ginny placed down her mug before she could throw it out the window, "So you're telling me you and Draco are--"

"They're in luuuurve" Luna gushed, Hermione was out with her closest friends, Ginny Potter and Luna Lovegood. "How long exactly?" Ginny asked,  "It's been a week, to be exact" Hermione replied as she was carefully cutting her croissant.

"I knew he'd come around soon. Draco seemed to take an interest to you since before, but he seemed too shy to say so" Luna was happy for her friend, "And by soon,  I mean 10 years later", she said that as though it wasn't such a long time.

"I can't believe it. The bloke that called you a you-know-what, the idiot that has been your enemy since day 1, is the same bloke you're dating!" Ginny held her head trying to digest all of what was happening.

"And that bloke saved her life several times, that bloke sang to her in the hospital and that bloke made sure Hermione was perfectly tended while she was unconscious" Luna added with her ever so gentle voice.

Hermione chuckled, "I always thought he was a mongrel, besides a ferret and a filthy little cockroach. Now a bloke".

"But wait--He sang to me at the hospital?" Hermione didn't remember, because she was still unconscious at that time."Yes. We were outside eavesdropping on the two of you"Luna said straightforward.

"Yeah. I didn't think that bloke had a soft spot" Ginny said "Blaise and Theo were giggling with us as we listened to your ever-so-romantic moment".

"Harry and Ron just stood there jaw dropped in disbelief. Pansy was along with us too. She wasn't that bad than I expected actually" Ginny informed her, "In short, we were fangirling on DraMione".

"Dra what?" Hermione raised her brow at them, "DraMione" Ginny repeated, "We added your names together. Think it's fit for your child's name?" Luna grinned, "What child? I'm not pregnant" Hermione snapped.

"So you two haven't had se--"

"No. No Ginny" Hermione cut her off before she could even finish her sentence.

"Oh come on! When?" Ginny asked, "Do we even have to schedule that?" Hermione rolled her eyes at her friend.

"You're gonna have to do it someday somehow." Ginny wiggled her brows at Hermione causing her to blush,  "Ginny and I are here waiting to become godmothers of your future children" Luna clapped her hands and smiled at the thought.

"Please stop" Hermione facepalmed "You're taking it way too far. You're all flash forwarding too much it's only been a week come on".

"Weeks turn into months, months turn into years" Ginny says, "Just like strangers become friends, friends become lovers, lovers get married and when married you have children!" Luna chirped.

Hermione sighed, "Really girls?".


Draco was busily skimming through test results when he hears a tapping on his window. "Lira" he sees a black owl, he opens his window and receives a letter, her rips it open to see his mother's handwriting.

Dearest Draco,

I would like to inform you that tomorrow evening, our family has been invited to a ball in celebration of your uncle Wilhelm and aunt Adelaide's wedding anniversary. The celebration is held at their mansion and starts at 6:00 in the evening. Your father and I expect you to come.


"Hm... Tomorrow's my night shift so..." Draco stopped in the realization that he owns the hospital and can do almost everything he wanted. "Silly me".

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