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"Sooo... How was it?"Theo kept bothering Draco all morning about Hermione.

"The man has a different glow in his face"Blaise smirked as he scrambled some eggs for breakfast.

"Eh?" Draco raised an eyebrow, what glow? Am I a glowstick now?

"Oh look at him being all clueless, it ain't cute mate" Theo pinched Draco's cheeks, Draco slapped his hand off. "We became friends this time. For real. What's such a big deal about that? " Draco asked, he couldn't really understand why his friends won't stop teasing him to Hermione.

"What did she say?" Theo asked, "Why should I tell you?" Draco pushed him away, "Let them have their privacy, Theo." Blaise told him as he toasted some bread.

"Oh... Okay" Theo wiggled his brows teasingly at Draco, "Don't look at me that way,  it's creeping me out" Draco held on to Theo's face and push him away once more.

"How are things with you and Kate by the way?" Draco asked Blaise, "We're doing fine. She's teaching me baking" Blaise beamed, "Oh gosh... "Theo and Draco facepalmed.

"Don't give me that you two. Without me, both of you wouldn't have complete three-course meals every day. And I don't get paid to do it!" Blaise snapped, feeling a bit insulted by his friends' reaction, but at the same time, he was already used to them anyway.

"I just hope you don't burn her house down to ashes while educating yourself"Draco teased, "I can't wait to see the look on Kate's face when you do" Theo chuckled. Blaise merely glared at them.

"None of you are receiving breakfast today" he seethed like an angry mother and took the food with him as he exited the kitchen.

"Hey we were kidding!" laughed Draco and Theo as they chased after Blaise like starving children being abandoned by their mother.


Hermione had her things ready in boxes, she's moving into Cavalier Apartments today.

She had help from Neville, Harry, and Ginny in transferring her belongings to her new place.

She dropped in to check in on her mum who was still unconscious in the hospital. As she was about to go back to her apartment, she bumped into Draco who was just leaving his office.

"Hey Granger" he waved at her, "Hi Malfoy" she smiled. "I think it's about time to call me Draco" Draco tells her, "Well that'll need some getting used to"Hermione said 'Then I give you permission to call me Hermione".Draco gave her his signature smirk in approval to her statement, Hermione huh?  Awfully long, but far better than Granger cuz it still sounds like we're enemies.

"Where are you headed?" Draco asked, "Back to my apartment, I just moved and I have a lot of unpacking to do." she replied.

"Need help? I have free time until nightfall" Draco offered, "I don't want to intrude" she declined, but Draco insisted and she eventually gave in.

"Whoah, that's a lot of stuff Granger!" exclaimed Draco upon entering as he saw numerous big boxes. "Let me guess, most of those boxes are books".

Hermione chuckled, "Doesn't take a genius to figure that out", "So, "Draco took off his coat and rolled his sleeves "Where shall we begin?".

"Let's start here in the living room" she replied, all the boxes have been placed per area of the apartment. "No wands this time Draco," Hermione told him, Draco was shook. "What!?".

Hermione grinned, "If you're helping me, we're doing this the muggle way", for a second Draco regretted offering help, "Alright then" he sighed in defeat.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now