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Hermione was together with Harry and Brent, she informed them about Draco's research about the crystal. It was almost midnight and they were waiting for the attack of the man stealing body parts.

Their co-Aurors were scattered on areas they reckoned the culprit would be located. "It's been a while since we have been out on these kinds of missions," Hermione said excitedly.

"My adrenaline is pumping"Harry couldn't deny his excitement with every battle they fight.  They waited patiently, it was dark and the surroundings started to turn awfully quiet.

"That's unlike this place"Hermione whispered, it was so quiet that you could hear your own breathing, your heartbeat.

The three could barely see anything, it was cold, they made sure to be alert and not just rely on their sight.

"Miss, "Hermione's heart jumped as she faced a child beside her. "Could you help me?".

Oh no, you don't you brat!

She swiftly pointed her wand "Stupefy!" and shot the child with a bright light that sent him flying backward.

"Lumos Maxima" Harry's wand produced a bright light to see better but the child was gone. "She escaped!?" Brent said.

"No. She's here" the voice replied, he and Hermione turned to see the real form of the child. It was a middle-aged man in a black cloak, "Expelliarmus!" Harry shot at the man's wand but he dodged it.

Their wands kept shooting at each other, lines and orbs of light and energy shot out the ends of their wands. The cloaked man shot Brent unconscious, then came close to Harry, took his wand and held him by the neck. He slammed Harry straight to the wall numerous times, "Stop that!" Hermione shouted and kept shooting spells at him.

"Reducto!" she hit him, it was so strong he fell on his back, Hermione covered Harry, "Harry wake up!" he was unconscious.

"Why you--!!" raged the man, he shot Hermione's wand and pinned her down to the ground. She struggled to break free from him, she kicked and punched, trying at her every effort to free herself.

He pointed his wand at her face, it released black ashes that entered Hermione's mouth. "You're losing something tonight" snarled the man, he tied her up and took out a set of knives.

Hermione remembered her torture from Bellatrix, fear paralyzed her body. "Say goodbye to your torso, filthy little mudblood" he sneered, Filthy little mudblood Draco's voice suddenly echoed in her head.

Hermione screamed as he stabbed her arms. Her insides suddenly felt like they were being ripped apart, because of the black ashes that entered her body.

"STOP!STOP THAT! HARRY! HARRY!" she burst into tears as she started to cough out blood, she felt the blade touch her skin, she shrieked even more as he started to cut.

"HARRY!!!! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!" she cried out, she couldn't move, she screamed in pain. She felt like a pig being cut to pieces. She was suffering so much she kept screaming at the top of her lungs hoping and praying that someone, somehow, she will be saved. Get it together Hermione, you can beat this galoot! Come on!  Don't act like a princess in need of a knight!

"No one will save you" said the man, "No... "Hermione tried to catch her breath, it hurt even more as the knife moved "DRACO!!!" she blurted out. I can't die here... I can't die now!!! Somebody!!!ANYBODY!!! DRACO!!!

"Sectumsempra... "Harry said weakly,  the spell added more damage to him. "You animal"Harry gritted his teeth as he stood up covering Hermione. "Expelliarmus!" he hit the man's wand.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now