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Draco had just finished doing his hair in a sleek brush back, his dress robes were neatly ironed and perfumed.

"Someone's trying to make a good impression" Blaise and Theo were leaning on each side of Draco's door frame, ready to throw all sorts of insults at him.

"Hurry and go pick her up"Blaise clapped his hands rushing Draco, "Let me touch your hair"Theo attempted but Draco swiftly avoided him, "Touch my hair and I will not have second thoughts on dissecting you" Draco warned.

Theo backed away, "Now make sure you and Hermione are safe. Don't put her in any sort of Granger" Theo roared in laughter "Get that!? Danger?".

"I wonder when he's gonna use your name in one of his puns"Blaise elbowed his blonde friend, "I'd rather not hear it" Draco shook his head in disapproval.

He then apparated to Hermione's apartment, coincidentally Harry was there too. "So you're her date" Harry gave him a look of approval, surprisingly.

"Fancy seeing you here Potter" Draco greeted, "Ginny's with Hermione inside and they're not opening the door, I've been out here for almost 10 minutes" Harry checked his watch, it was almost 6:00 in the evening.

The door clicked, it opened to reveal  Ginny in a fabulous royal blue gown, her hair was up loosely by the side, and her dangling earrings added sparkle to her look, and it didn't fail to astonish her husband whose eyes twinkled upon seeing her.

"Mrs. Potter" he held out his hand to her and she gladly took it.

"How sweet, I'm getting ants" mocked Draco, "You're just envious"Harry scowled. Draco waited patiently for Hermione to reveal herself, he felt a rush of excitement to see her in the gown he chose for her, and finally,  she showed up.

The blood-red complimented her skin, her hair was down in neat, twisted curls, unlike the frizzy and tangled ones before. The sides of her hair were pulled back and clipped behind her head, and she had a small diamond hanging around her neck, she was overall stunning. Draco's jaw dropped, "You'll attract flies" Hermione said as she walked over to him.

He closed his mouth and replaced it with a smile "I knew it would look good on you, but I didn't know it would be THIS good".

"Thank you, and you look very nice Draco" she couldn't find the right words to compliment him, he wasn't just handsome, he looked like an actual prince and she couldn't even tell him. Together with the Potters, they apparated to Wilhelm Black's mansion.

"I didn't expect you to choose a shade of red,I kinda thought you'd go for green or silver" Hermione admitted, she still had it in her mind that he was a Slytherin.

"I was tempted to, those were my first choices,especially emerald green" Draco confessed, "But then I saw that one and remembered the night you were drunk".

He just blowed off the romance between them,Hermione shot daggers at him for reminding her of that embarrassing incident."I chose that because I wanted to see you in a red dress again. But I swear the next time I'm out shopping for your dresses, I'm getting loads of greens" he told her,pretty much determined.

The mansion was filled with hundreds,or maybe even thousands of guests, all in their best formal attires.

The two couples received a warm welcome from some of the guests that recognized them,Harry got a lot of congratulations for his marriage with Ginny while Hermione was being conversed by some of the guests about history, spells and all others considering she's know to be one of the most intelligent in the wizarding world.

Hermione and Draco caught the attention of most of the visitors, making their imagination go wild.

Draco spotted his parents socializing with people he didn't know, he held Hermione by the hand and together they passed through the crowd.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now