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"A time turner..." Hermione muttered "There are only two true time-turners as of now, but one was stolen a few years ago". "Sounds important, let's go" Draco says as he folds the letter back in its original form. Hermione quickly changed her clothes and they both apparated to the Ministry of Magic.

They were led by Brent to where Harry was at the moment, "Right on time" Harry said as soon as the couple entered. "Meet Billius Contritum." he introduced a middle-aged man, who had a thick, black beard, and bulging eye bags. Billius eyes widened upon the sight of Draco and Hermione. "You..." anger started to build up in his voice.

Hermione somehow had a strange feeling toward the man, "Why does he familiar?" Draco examined the man's face carefully, "You're not the only one with that feeling" Harry said, "Didn't think I'd see you again" Billius rolled his eyes at the three adults.

"You know us?" Hermione asked, Billius scoffed "How could I ever forget you? You were the ones that ruined everything...You and your friends disrupted my plan." he gritted his teeth "YOU'RE TO BLAME FOR EVERYTHING!".

"Stop beating around the bush Billius. What the bloody hell are you talking about?" Harry snapped, Billius stared hard at them, rage covering his whole face "I'm not telling you anything". "Why not?" Draco raised an eyebrow at him, "Why would I let people like you have happiness when I lost mine eh?" Billius snarled and looked down at the floor.

Hermione was confused, so were Draco and Harry. They couldn't get him to talk. "Why are you in possession of a time-turner?" Hermione questioned, Billius didn't speak. Harry was getting impatient, "You leave us no choice" he dug through his pocket and took out a vial of veritaserum.

"Bind him Hermione" Harry said, Hermione pitied the man but he was being stubborn. She cast a binding spell at him as Harry poured the potion into his mouth.

"Now tell us the truth, why do you have a time-turner and why do you seem to know us?" Draco said to him, Billius chuckled "I stole the time-turner when I used to work for the minister years ago. I used it to go back in time to save my wife from a plague that took her life, but no matter what I did, I couldn't bring her back to life in the present. Not until I learned about the Sorcerer's stone."

"What about it?" Hermione asked, "I found out that I could create one. Because the original isn't enough anymore" Billius replied, the three adults questioning him were taken aback. "You attempted to make one?" Hermione leaned forward, nervous to hear his response.

"Of course I did. And that's how I learned about you people" Billius had a mischievous grin on his face "You...all of you in that time had families of your own.".

"What the heck are you talking about?" Draco was confused, "You blondie, you married her" Billius pointed at Hermione, they were all in shock. That explains what professor Dumbledore was telling me back in our seventh year Hermione thought, "Harry Potter married the female Weasley, and that weird girl Luna ended up with Neville Longbottom".

Harry, Hermione, and Draco just blinked at him in surprise, they didn't really expect his explanation. So I married Hermione...Brilliant! Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if I did it again? Draco said in his head Bloody hell Draco, can you be serious right now!

"And of course you had a lot of carbon copies of you" Billius told them "If I recall correctly, the Potter children, James, Albus and the little girl Lily. Then we have the two sons of Longbottom and Lovegood, Eric and Lucio.".

"And of course, the Malfoys. Dray, Scorpius and Lillione" Billius faced Hermione and Draco who were speechless, "How do you know all this?" Harry asked, "Because I needed them to make the Sorcerer's stone. The main ingredient is a human's life, so I chose your children. Me and my wife didn't have any children so using a child's life would definitely make her happy once I use them to bring her back. I was so close, thanks to your Scorpius".

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now