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Hermione couldn't get a wink of sleep that night. All she could think about was their ever-so-romantic-confession,  and that kiss. Oh, that kiss made her heart flutter, her mind go completely bonkers, and the butterflies in her stomach have gone mad at the memory.

She finds herself smiling involuntarily, and she mentally slaps herself for being that way. Why are you so worked up on this?! It's not like this is your first time receiving a kiss Hermione Granger! She scolds herself. She buries her face in a pillow, and a smile creeps from her mouth yet again.

"What's the matter with you?!" she pinches her lips, preventing them from smiling.  Oh, this is all your fault Draco Malfoy. If you hadn't given me that kiss then I wouldn't be acting all smiley here.!

She drops herself back on the bed and stares at the ceiling, "I wonder if he really meant that he liked me... " she suddenly whispered, she turned to her side facing the cream-colored wall, thoughts of doubt invaded her mind.

"What if he's really messing with me? What if he's laughing right now because I fell for his stupid joke!?" she gets up, enraged by her thoughts. "What if he's just bored and has no one to play around with so he picks me!? Hermione how could you be so stupid!?" she messes her hair in frustration.

"You! Of all people fell for Draco Malfoy's trap! Do you really think he likes you? Oho ho! Dream on woman you're no pureblood!" she walks around her room, very much disturbed by her thoughts.

"If he really is joking, then... " she grits her teeth and cracks her knuckles "I will hex you Draco Malfoy!  For making a fool out of me!"

Her eyes land on to her mirror, she stares at her reflection. It was almost 3 AM and she was still up, "You? Draco likes YOU?" she says as she points at herself, she moves closer, "Is this mirror clean?" she uses a finger to swipe it checking for dirt, her pointer was covered in dust.

She goes to her kitchen to get a damp cloth and she starts wiping til her mirror was crystal clear. She sits back and stares again, "What did he see then?" she tilts her head.

"Definitely not my hair" she frowns as she pats her bushy brown curls, "My face?" she looks at every angle of it,  "Nope. Too ordinary."

"I don't have plump lips or sparkly eyes either." she was confusing herself. "Then what could I have that... Wait--" she peeks through her shirt's hole, "My breasts aren't that big! So what did he see in me then?". Hermione sighed and held her head, "He must have poor eyesight".


The following day, Draco was up early and ready before Blaise and Theo were awake. It was 5:30 AM and he apparated to Hermione's place. He had planned to go to her and accompany her to work and pick her up after.

As soon as he arrived, her apartment was quiet, he checked to see if she'd woken up, but she hasn't. "Guess I'll have to make her breakfast then" he felt excited as he went through her stuff in her kitchen, he was still amused by her refrigerator.

He made french toast and heated water for tea, it was almost 7 and she wasn't up yet. Draco went to see her, but she was still in bed. He quietly stepped in her bedroom, "Wake up Mione" he held her shoulder, slightly shaking her. But she didn't stir, she turned away from him facing the wall, still asleep. "I will hex you Draco Malfoy" she muttered. "What?" Draco leaned closer to hear, but he didn't get a response.

Draco kept shaking her, Does she sleep like this all the time?  Why does it look familiar... His eyes were disturbed to see a rather medium-sized red mark on her sheets, his eyes grew big "Is that--.... " he blinked a few times.

"Uhm... Hermione time to wake up please" he said again and again, "10 minutes!" she managed to shout, Draco immediately realized she was on her period. He ran to the kitchen and picked up a glass of warm water, "Mione, wake up. You've got a stain" he said, "Huh!?" Hermione was startled at what she heard.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now