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Lucius let go of Hermione and went back to Narcissa, Hermione was hesitant to go to Draco. You're Hermione freaking Granger, the brightest witch of her age, you're a Gryffindor and an Auror so don't you dare chicken out on such simple task.  She scolded herself.

She breathed deeply and went towards them but she bumped into a man with ebony hair in an undercut, he had brown eyes and had a pleasing look to him. "Hyperion Black"Hermione recognized him for being one of the highest ranks in the ministry.

"Miss Granger" he bowed in greeting "I was looking for you", Hermione didn't want to talk to him since he was a deceiving man.

"Excuse me, but I must go somewhere" before she could escape him, he reached for her hand and pulled him towards him, "Not until you dance with me Ms. Granger".

Hermione was annoyed by this, Then he could just have asked politely and not force me to do so...

"You look magnificent Ms. Granger" he complimented, Hermione tried at her best to be polite. Hyperion found her alluring, his eyes trailed down to her defined collarbone,and then to her bosom.

Hermione felt as though his eyes were undressing her, it made her feel uneasy. Oh if this weren't a formal event I could've hexed you right here and now she thought.

"It's rude to stare that way Mr. Hyperion" she snapped at him, he gave a half apologetic look, he seemed to be enjoying himself. "I apologize for my actions my lady".

"I think that's enough dancing" a familiar voice said in a commanding manner. Hermione turned to see Draco with an irritated look on his face.

"Ah, dear cousin" Hyperion grinned mockingly, Draco gently took Hermione by her waist and pulled her towards him, feeling protective. So they're cousins... No wonder they have some sort of resemblance in their smirk Hermione thought as she eyed the two men.

"I didn't think I'd see you here Hyperion" Draco dissed, Hyperion let out a laugh. "Of course I'd be here, I wouldn't want to disappoint mother and father, being the youngest" he tried to be nice, as he knew he couldn't beat Draco's scornfulness towards him no matter how hard he tried.

"What relationship do you have with miss Granger?" he asked, very much interested. "She's my girlfriend" Draco replied, as though he were boasting. Hyperion seemed disappointed, "Oh Ms. Granger, you must have an eye check-up".

Draco scowled, but Hermione raised her chin and said "My eyesight is perfectly clear Mr. Hyperion, that is why I chose Draco". Draco shot Hyperion an overweening smirk, "I see" Hyperion chuckled "You'll regret it sooner or later" and walked away from him.

"Well wasn't he well-mannered," Hermione said sarcastically, "I'm sorry about that, I was gone for too long"Draco apologized "And you had to tolerate that hobgoblin. I don't know why he's far different from uncle".

"It's quite alright, as long as you enjoyed yourself with Astoria" there was jealousy dripping from her voice, Draco held back his laughter, "Somebody's jealous" he teased.

"I am not" she denied and crossed her arms at him, Draco liked it that she got jealous because he felt secure that she doesn't want him falling for someone else.

"I'm sorry for that too, I didn't want you to feel that way" he raised both her hands to kiss it, with no realization they were in the middle of the dancefloor.

"That's Draco's girlfriend"Narcissa gushed as she pointed at them from the second-floor terrace, "Why don't they look lovely?" Wilhelm smiled "He made a great choice, that's Hermione Granger".
"I couldn't agree more darling, she's not just a beauty but also a stalwart and intelligent woman" Lady Adelaide admired the young brunette. "He's told me all about her back in his first year, he's all he could ever talk about that boy"Lucius chuckled at the memory, "I wish to witness the unity of those two, they would indeed, and I hope, end blood prejudice" Wilhelm stated, the Blacks and Malfoys continued to appreciate the young couple.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now