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Hermione came home tired one night, feeling weary from a whole day of paperwork and hunting. Her eyes were ready to shut close and catch sleep when there was a knock at her door, she was too lazy to get up and answer it, so with a flick of her wand, the door opened to reveal Ginny Potter by the door. "GET UP! I BROUGHT DINNER" she shouted loud enough to wake Hermione who was about to fall asleep.

"Well hello to you too Ginny Potter" she glared at her friend, she was so tempted to sleep but of course, she couldn't resist Ginny.

She set the table and brought out the food, "How are you and Malfoy? "Ginny started the conversation,  Hermione almost gagged.

"Why does everyone ask me that?" Hermione blurted out as she wiped her spit,"Oh I dunno, maybe it's because you're almost always together with him, you smile from ear-to-ear when you see him, and you act that way when he's the topic! All pink and shy" Ginny pointed at Hermione's face.

Hermione touched her cheeks, "Really? I hadn't noticed" she said in between chews. "Seriously? The whole ministry thinks you're dating!"Ginny exclaimed, "Now you're just exaggerating," Hermione said.

"Okay, maybe. But a lot of people think you're together" Ginny snapped, "Oh that won't happen. He's Malfoy! Plus he's in love with Astoria Greengrass. What do I have to beat that?" Hermione disagreed.

"Haven't you heard? They've split up last month!" Ginny informed her, "Oh?" Hermione was late on the news, she and Draco don't really talk about those kinds of things when they're together "But still, they could get back together. I mean look at her,  she's a model for Merlin's sake! A nice body,a pretty face, such a lady, pureblood, famous, caring, and probably all that Draco could ever want!".

Ginny pressed her lips in a thin line and playfully moved her head side to side,"If you haven't noticed Hermione, you own the title of Brightest witch of her age! You're gorgeous for Merlin's sake and don't get me started with your body, we've bathed once together and deyum those hips!" Ginny winked at her, Hermione turned red, "Stop that".

"How do they call it? Childbearing hips?"Ginny wiggled her eyebrows at her, Hermione threw a spoon at her, Ginny dodged, "Caring? Come on! You're the most caring person I've ever met! You care for your friends so much you're willing to go out of your way to save them even in the brink of death".

"You're just saying that because you're my best friend" Hermione appreciated all that Ginny said but she never really saw herself that way.

"No, I'm saying it because it's true. It's a fact. All I said was not to make you feel better on Astoria, because you're both completely different. So what if she's pureblood? That doesn't make you less of a person" Ginny told her,
"As much as I've always hated Malfoy, you seem to have a different kind of glow on you when you're with him".

Hermione was shook, Am I? Really? How come? I didn't notice at all...

"The way I see it, you like him"Ginny said, "But you haven't realized it yet".

Hermione tried to laugh it off, "What's that? My subconscious is aware while I'm not?".

"Seriously Mione. I mean, in all honesty, with Malfoy you really glow. Not literally, but that smile on your face is something I haven't seen even when you were with my idiot brother" Ginny described.

Hermione sighed and leaned back and sighed, she let out a small smile, "Thanks Ginny, but I don't think Draco will ever like me in any way you think he might".


Draco arrived at the Malfoy Manor on a bright sunny morning, his gift was neatly wrapped and he was excited to give it to his mother, along with that, he bought a bouquet of daffodils which his mother had always loved.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now