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Eight months passed, Draco and Hermione were staying strong, Hermione and Ron were back to being friends and she supported his relationship with Pansy, Ginny's stomach was round and defined with a healthy baby boy, Draco became even busier and so was Hermione but despite all that, Draco made sure that he gave time for Hermione, and Hermione did the same. As she had learned from her previous relationship that she shouldn't revolve around her work.

Hermione came to the Auror headquarters one rainy Friday morning all wet and irritated with the sound of the heavy pouring rain.

"Just who I needed to see" right in front of her was Vane, the assistant of Hyperion Black. "Mr. Hyperion would like to see you in his office right now Ms.Granger," Vane said "Kindly follow me" and she led the way, Hermione followed behind, feeling skeptic.

They soon arrived at his office where he was looking around on some books, "Good morning Ms. Granger" he gave her a warm smile, she nodded and smiled slightly in respect.

"Please have a seat" he pointed at the seat across his table, "You may leave us Vane" Hyperion said to her.

"What is it you wanted to speak about Mr. Hyperion?" Hermione got straight to the point, Hyperion saw in her face that she meant business. "Calm down, we have plenty of time to discuss the matter" Hyperion placed two glasses of champagne on his table.

"I'm sorry, I don't drink early in the morning" Hermione declined, Hyperion frowned as he took a sip. "I wish you could've come here in that ravishing red dress before " he smirked at her, Hermione felt uneasy once more. I could just hex you right now, but I could get imprisoned. Or worse, lose my job.  Hermione thought.

"I don't come to work in a gown Mr. Hyperion, it's rather uncomfortable to fight crime when you're dressed that way" she shook her head, "Hm, please call me Hyperion" he put down his glass and opened a file that laid on his table.

"Anyway, I wanted to discuss to you about the AOF,  or the Aurors of France" Hyperion started "They are recruiting Aurors from out department to train and work for them, and you're the first on the list of 3 women that they want from us".

Hermione was surprised and felt a rush of excitement, she always wanted to go to France and train with their Aurors. Hyperion saw a twinkle in her eyes as he continued to speak, "The trip would be in 2 months time and they expect all three of you to attend".

"How long would the training take?" Hermione asked, "About 7 months, they expect you to have fast progress so they'll push you past your limit" Hyperion replied, "And after the training, the best will be chosen to stay and work there.".

Hermione thought for a moment, this is a big chance she couldn't miss. But what immediately came to her was the love of her life. Draco Malfoy.

"I'll think about it," Hermione said, Hyperion gave her a questioning expression, "What do you mean you'll think about it? This is a huge step of your career you can't say no".

"I haven't. But I need time, this isn't just about me" Hermione retorted and stood up, "Draco will be fine on his own. He always has been" Hyperion tells her, she shot him a death glare, "I know he can. But I'm not allowing him to be"Hermione hissed as she snatched the contract and stormed out of his office.

"Feisty little woman" Hyperion gritted his teeth, but a smirk replaced it afterward, "One could only hope you were mine.".


Draco apparated to Hermione's place as soon as he finished his day's work, he already had it in his routine to go to her after work before heading home. "Good timing" Hermione was already there before he was, she was seated on the couch with her chin resting on her palm, Draco felt that she wasn't in her usual cheerful self.

He sat next to her and she rested her head on his chest and her legs were comfortably on top of Draco's thighs. Draco wrapped his arms around her, and she looked like a child being cradled to sleep.

"Rough day?" he spoke, "Mhm... " she replied under her breath. "Tell me what happened," Draco said as his eyes gazed on her bushy, brown head,  patiently waiting for her response. Hermione thought about it all day, about France. She knew that she couldn't bring Draco with her because things were starting to get more hectic at Guerison and she didn't want to be in the way of his work.

"It's nothing" she replied, she's lying. This isn't the first time I've seen her like this...But why does this seem way more serious than before? Draco thought.

Draco rested his lips on her head, he closed his eyes and inhaled the smell of roses from her hair, "I think you need a lot of cheering up for you to talk eh?" he gave her a smile as he planted a kiss on her forehead,  Hermione stared at him, feeling comforted enough by his presence,  and thankful that he was patient with her.

Draco gently put her legs down and he stood up to get the guitar he always left at her place, Hermione's heart fluttered every time she knew he was going to play it for her. What did I ever do to deserve this loveable creature... she thought.

He went back beside her and started strumming.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now