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Draco was out for coffee, he was in deep thought of what to get for his mother's birthday,  "I want it to be meaningful and not just some store-bought item" he said to himself.

"I wonder what mother would want..." he tried to think of something she adored the most, besides his father. Why don't you ask Hermione?  She's the type that gives presents to her mother, she might have an idea

He mentally slapped himself all of a sudden, "Why's Hermione the first one to come in my mind? " he scratched the back of his head in confusion.

Unless you want to ask Theo and Blaise on what to give dear mother then you're sure to be given bright, brilliant, and nonsense ideas eh?

"Fair enough" he finished his coffee after the short argument with himself and apparated to the Ministry.

As soon as he arrived, he was spotted by a crowd of reporters that ran to him. "Mr. Malfoy, is it true that you and the model Ms. Greengrass are no longer dating?" asked one of them.

What the heck! Don't they have anything better to ask than personal issues of people?

"What seemed to be the problem in your relationship that caused the breakup Mr. Malfoy?" they threw multiple questions at him he didn't even want to answer.

"Have you replaced the brilliant Ms. Greengrass Mr. Malfoy?" another reporter squeezed in to ask,  "I would not like to give out any information. Please excuse me" Draco said straightfaced and fought his way out of the crowd.

He dusted himself and was annoyed, he finally arrived at the Auror office, "Is Hermione around?" he asked Brent. Brent was surprised to see Draco, "Uhm, yes sir. She's inside doing some paperwork".

"Oh I see, thank you. I'll invite myself in" he said and went inside."Was that Malfoy?" Luna approached Brent. "Yes miss Lovegood. I wonder what relationship he has with ma'am Hermione" Brent replied as both of them peeked through the door to see what was between the brightest witch of her age and the Slytherin prince.

Hermione was deeply concentrating on her desk as she read through a pile of files, "Your nose is kissing the desk Hermione" she was cut off by a certain blonde that had a goofy grin spread across his face.

"Fancy seeing you here Draco, are you turning yourself in for being annoying and a disturbance to someone's work?" Hermione smiled at him sarcastically,"Because I have overflowing tickets to Azkaban. I can accompany you on the way" she said that as though it were a boy band about to have a concert and they attending.

"I'd rather not" Draco shook his head, declining her "I came by to ask your opinion".

She motioned him to sit down across her, "Opinion on what?" Hermione was curious. "Well, tomorrow is mum's birthday and I didn't know what to give her" Draco replied.

"I'm sure she'll love whatever her son gives her" Hermione tapped her chin, "Is there something she has been asking for?".

Draco thought for a moment.

"Draco... When are you bringing a daughter-in-law? " mum repeated on and on to me,  "You ought to marry someday somehow,  you're our only son!" she held on to his arm and shook him.
"Draco Lucius Malfoy, a daughter-in-law would be nice"she smiled, with a demanding aura. It scared me.

Draco laughed nervously,"Uhm, well...a ring ?" Draco scratched the back of his head and but his lip, why is he acting weird all of a sudden? His hair seems to be twitching  Hermione noticed.

"A ring? I think that's lovely but, anything else? something she doesn't expect you to give" Hermione asked.

"And a grandchild would be even better" Narcissa's voice echoed in Draco's head. Draco looked at Hermione and strange enough, he imagined her holding a blonde child, cradling it in her arms.

A Love Awaited(Sequel to Pureblood)Where stories live. Discover now