The Smile

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The curtains swung softly as the morning breeze blew into the room. Draco woke up, realizing he had forgotten to close his windows before going to bed last night.

He sat up, blinked a few times and got out of bed. He suddenly remembered the happenings from last night, he could still smell her perfume stuck on his collar. Now I smell like a Granger with a bit of firewhiskey. Great.

But a smile slowly crept from his mouth, he mentally slapped himself. So why are you smiling Draco? Go take a bloody shower and get your arse to work.

He rolled his eyes at his inner self.
"Drakey! Theo! Breakfast is readyyyy!!!" a squeaky and annoying voice called out. Draco sighed, Really Blaise? Now that's a way to greet me 'good morning'.

"Looks like our housewife is up and early today" Theodore Nott had just awoken as well. "Housewife my arse. You mind going ahead and check if his cooking is edible?" Draco patted Theo's shoulders.

"What? Why me? I don't want--"Draco didn't let him finish as he pushed his friend down the stairs.

Draco stretched his arms and went to get ready.

"Oi, what time did Draco get home?" Theo asked, "I have no idea. Ask him" Blaise retorted while he was setting up the table "Why do you suddenly care?".

"If I'm not mistaken, I think I just saw that bloke smile at himself a while ago as soon as I stepped out of my room," Theo said softly, "He's probably falling in love with himself like always" Blaise said as if it weren't new to him.

"No. He only does that in front of the mirror. This time, he was just standing and he suddenly smiled" Theo argued, "Reckon the bloke's going insane. Should we take him to the hospital?" Blaise suggested.

"He practically works there dumbhead."Theo reminded. "Or he could be drunk." Blaise suggested, "Hm...he doesn't reek the smell of alcohol." Theo tapped his chin. "But..."

"But what?" Blaise raised an eyebrow, "He kinda has a slight scent of women's perfume" Theo stated. "Is he back together with Astoria? Or did he shag a random woman down the street?". Both of them laughed, "That's a lot like Draco" Theo agreed.

"But no... After shagging someone he'd usually have a grin, a smirk or a sly smile across his face. A face of satisfaction. This, THIS  ONE is different, like a sincere, creepy, fluttery kind of smile." Theo described. "Now that definitely doesn't sound like Draco Malfoy" Blaise shook his head.

"You two admiring me again?" Draco had finally come down, all dressed up. His hair neatly combed back and his chin smoothly shaved. "Don't flatter yourself mate" Theo snapped, "Ahhh...You don't have to deny my beauty, Theo. I know you're desperately in love with me" Draco playfully winked at his friend.

Theo gagged.

"Mate, you're too full of yourself" Blaise facepalmed. Draco was about to speak but Blaise shoved a waffle in his mouth. "So, where have you been last night eh?" Blaise asked. Draco chewed, buying some time to compose his response."Just around there somewhere".

"Somewhere, where?" Theo asked looking suspicious. "Why are you both suddenly so interested?" Draco noticed, Why do I have a funny feeling that these two blokes are getting funny ideas...?

"Nothing, just worried. Cuz Draco Lucius Malfoy smiling is quite unusual." Blaise smirked as he raised an eyebrow at Draco. "And creepy" Theo added.

"Smile? Me? When?" Draco scoffed.

"Just a while ago. You aren't overdosing on anything are you?" Blaise grinned, Draco sarcastically frowns "I'm not insane as you are Blaise".

"So, who's the girl?" Theo asked straightforward as he scooted closer to Draco.

"What the bloody hell are you talking about?" Draco was surprised. They aren't that dumb after all... Kidding. How the hell did these two figure out? And why does it seem like a big deal???

"Don't play dumb. I caught a whiff of the girl's perfume on you." Theo defended, "Seriously?" Draco sighed as he rested his head on the back of his hand. "What's up with you two? It's not a big deal".

"And why do you keep answering with questions instead of answering with answers?!" Theo said as a matter of fact. Draco rolled his eyes at his two friends."Well if you won't tell us then we'll find out ourselves." Blaise fought, "Suit yourself. It's not that big of a deal anyway" said Draco as he took a sip of his coffee.

"Even if it's your childhood love?" Blaise smirked, Draco spat his coffee, spraying it allover Blaise. They already expected that kind of response.

"Good thing you're wearing an apron mate" Theo said to Blaise. Blaise shrugged as he pursed his lips in a thin line. "I don't know what you're talking about." Draco said as he wiped his mouth.

"Oh...I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT" Blaise mimicked as he pointed at his stained, white apron. "Does this look like 'I don't know what you're talking about' to you eh?" Blaise snapped.

Draco shrugged, acting cool and collected "I dunno. Haven't seen his face. But tell me when you do, I'll be off." Draco grabbed his coat and briefcase. "By the way, the waffles were great I could barely chew them" Draco waved goodbye and slammed the door shut.

"Can you believe that guy?" Blaise scratched his head in irritation, "Yep. No wonder Granger and him aren't getting anywhere" Theo sighed in disappointment.

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