1 || meeting you

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The sun shone brightly on a fresh Sunday morning in the spring. Biking to your new work, you felt the small breeze blowing through your hair, as your legs peddled on the bike with soft shades of orange and blue. The front had a small basket where you tied an old blue scarf that reminded you of your father.

You made your way through the back entrance of the small square plant shop, on the corner of a calm street in a bustling city, ready to take on your new job

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You made your way through the back entrance of the small square plant shop, on the corner of a calm street in a bustling city, ready to take on your new job. Putting on your work apron and small gloves, you make a mental list of what you need to do: water every plant and add fertilizer, trim the mini bonsai trees along the shelves, rearrange the flowers at the cash register, and grab a cup of coffee from the cozy café next door. Once the list was complete, you check the time.

8:45...fifteen minutes till the shop opens.

You go to the staff room in the back to fix the stranded hairs in front of your face, must look presentable for customers, you guess. Once satisfied with your look you make your way to the front door to slip the "open" sign. Checking the time again.

9:12...with a deep sigh, you sat on a stool behind the cash register and doodle on the back of a leftover receipt from yesterday's orders. You observed people walking by and sometimes would admire couples walking hand-in-hand to the coffee shop.

After taking a quick sip of coffee, you decided to take care of the newly bloomed wisterias. Delicately touching their small, blue bundles, you gave them a few sprits of water and smiled contently at the bundles that mean new beginnings and welcoming new life, hence why they are placed by the door. You stood at the front of the shop admiring your work.

Snapping you out of your thoughts, the door swung open and the bells hanging from it rung violently, indicating that someone had entered the small shop. You turned your attention to the person who just walked in and walk over to the counter as the person followed. Flashing the smile you were hired for, you say,

"Good morning! How may I help you today? Looking for anything specific?"

The person was a boy around your age, if not only a year or so older. He frantically slapped down 9000 yen (around $80 usd) onto the counter and said,

"How do I passive aggressively say fuck you in flower?"

You blinked at him....twice. No one has ever come up to you asking for a negative messaged bouquet. Fortunately, you do know the flowers with such meanings.

"Well, may I know the occasion?" you asked, hoping that this would help decide on what flowers to use.

"No time to explain, I just need them by 5 pm." he quickly said glancing around the shelves of the shop.

"Okay...may I have a name for pick up?" you turned your head to him and made eye contact as the corners of your mouth tugged upward.

"Kyoya Ootori," he flashed a small grin, walking backwards, as he kept his glance at you.

You turned to head into the staff room until you heard the sound of something crashing. Quickly rushing to the source of the sound, you found your new customer hastily picking up the knocked over the pot of small buds of light purple lilacs. He rubbed the back of his neck shyly and gave a sheepish smile, much different from the flashy grin before, and rushed out of the floral shop.

He was....cool? I guess. Quite the first impression.

And with that thought, you went to pick up some of the spilled soil and went straight to arranging bouquets.

flower meanings:

wisterias - new beginnings and welcoming new life

bonsai trees - good fortune and harmony

light purple lilacs - first love, puppy-love

A/N ~ hey guys!! been a rlllyyyyyy long time since i have written on wattpad, so some of my interests have changed. but anywhoooo...i hope you stick with me throughout this story and i promise further chapters will be longer!! lol this one was kinda short and if you don't like the image of the bike you can just imagine its a different one haha. pls enjoy ;))

also...do y'all want me to continue listing the meanings of the flowers in the chapter?

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