18 || begin again

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The rain pattered and thunder roared among the dark clouds. The cushioned seat enveloped you as you stared out the tall glass window. The melody of the rain like a soft piano and explosive thunder like cymbals echoed throughout the library. And the only source of light was the small desk lamp and the crackling lightning that flashed every so often. 

Pulling your knees into your chest, you carefully listened to the sky's weeping song. Your breath was shaking and thoughts were crashing over and over. What do I do now?  What can I do? Where do I go? What do I say? Do I try to fix things? Or move on with a future that's already set?

There was an ache in your chest that you couldn't put into words and it felt like your stomach would switch from a swirling feeling to feeling completely hollow. Your mouth was dry and your eyes stung from exhaustion and pain. It's overwhelming and you felt stuck. 

Drawn into your swarming thoughts, you didn't even notice the figure in front of you. Kyoya Ootori. 

"Welcome to the Ootori study room. How may I assist you today?" you sarcastically said as you looked at the boy. His steel eyes boring holes into your skull made you rethink everything you just said. 

"I was looking for a book about how to get your significant other back with the proper apology speech," Kyoya played along. 

Your eyes narrowed, trying to read him, which was usually easy, but not this time. "Sorry Mr. Ootori, it seems that the book is checked out at this moment. It's under the name Y/N L/N." 

He scoffed and crossed his arms, "Are there any other copies of the book?" 

You shook your head no. 

"Is there any way to contact Y/N L/N? Maybe we can set up an arrangement and discuss key points of the book," Kyoya's face was unwavering. 

"She is currently unavailable," you pulled your gaze downward from his intense stare.

Lightning outside crackled and Kyoya's glasses flashed, "Ah. I know why. It's because she isn't available for a relationship because she is in a goddamn arranged marriage." 

You winced at the harsh tone in his voice and peered back at him with glossy eyes. It broke you, "I-I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry, Kyoya. I wish...I wish it wasn't like this. I don't want to marry him. I don't love him," you choked out a sob and dug the heels of your palms into your eyes, "I don't even know him. I don't know what to do. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

The tears coming down your face shocked him. His perfect girl was crying right in front of him. And what was interesting is that it made him feel better. Kyoya felt like he was human again. He felt like you and him were finally in the first stages of healing. Built-up walls from individual issues, but broken down by each other. You two were finally beginning to heal - together. The personal facades you and Kyoya had worked so hard on were slowly deteriorating when you two first met, only to ultimately all come crashing down at this moment. 

Kyoya knelt down to meet your eye level and his gaze softened. He pulled your hands away from your face and replaced them with his. His thumb stroking underneath your reddened eyes to wipe the tears away, "I know, my love. I know. I'm sorry too. This is out of our control. You don't need to apologize." His words calmed you down as you hiccuped out some tears, "Let's not give up hope. I love you, Y/N. I love you so so much. We can figure this out together. Okay? I love you." 

You have never heard someone say 'I love you' so many times in one go. In fact, you have never really told Kyoya that you had loved him. You had always assumed your feelings were implicit. With someone who was so good with words, you never said one of the most impactful ones. 

It was a whisper.

"I love you," you muttered out, barely audible by even yourself. 

Kyoya's voice faltered, "What?" 

You hesitated and spoke a little louder, "Iloveyou." 

Kyoya's eyebrows cinched, notifying that he still couldn't understand. 

You huffed, "I love you! I love you! Goddamn it Kyoya Ootori!" 

Kyoya smirked and stood all the way, pulling you up with him, "Is that so?" 

You rolled your eyes, "Mr. Ootori, it turns out the book you were looking for was available. Miss Y/N had the book about how to get your significant other back with a proper apology bouquet."

"Ah, I see. And what might that bouquet be Miss Y/N?"

"Purple hyacinth, asphodels, and lily of the valley," you said without missing a beat. 

Kyoya smiled in return, "I'm sorry too." 

The clock in the library chimed softly, indicating it was midnight.

"Can we start today over?" you offered out a hand. 

He took your hand and pressed a kiss on the back of it, "Of course, M'lady."

Flower Meanings: 

Purple Hyacinth - symbol of sorrow and forgiveness, apologies

Asphodels - remembrance past death, in this case, I wanted it to symbolize remembering that they need and support each other, even after fighting

Lily of the Valley - means a return to happiness 

 a/n: hey there! here's this chapter, thanks for reading! i hope u enjoyed ;) please don't forget to vote and comment (feedback is greatly appreciated). and i hope to see u in the next chapter!! 

OH! and don't forget to check out my other book - I'll Give You the Sun ~ Keith Kogane x Reader ;))

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