27 || our fair

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The morning preparations for the Ouran school fair was nothing less than chaotic and busy. You were in charge of decorations and proper lighting displays for the presentations for each club at the opening ceremonies. With a clip board in hand to supervise and facilitate, you stood next to Kyoya to make sure things were running smoothly. 

"This is way different than in America," you noted. 

"Well, as you know, the students here are viewed as future leaders here. With this fair, we are able to show off our skills and talents, especially since parents are allowed to attend as well," Kyoya explained. 

You nodded your head in understanding and saw a horse drawn carriage pull forward in front that had all the host members on it. 

Kyoya extended a hand out, "Shall we?" 

"We shall," you smiled and took his hand as he led you to the carriage and helped you in. "I can't believe we have a horse drawn carriage for the festival parade." 

"Tamaki wanted it apparently," the vice president replied, pushing his glasses up. 

The carriage arrived to the central building salon, where the host club's ceremony and activities would be held for the fair. After finishing the final touches to the decorations, guests of the general public, mainly host's and client's family members, started flooding in. 

You stood to the side with Kyoya on your laptop, finalizing the calculations of today and over the year in general. Haruhi was concerned that this was too grand of a way to advertise the club while Tamaki defended that it was a great campaigning strategy.

You sighed, "Haruhi isn't wrong though. We overspent our budget for this one event." 

"With the usage of this building and the classic carriage all the way from France, I don't understand how we keep up with all of Tamaki's ideas," Kyoya explained before closing your laptop to put away. 

As more guests entered, you saw Tamaki's, Kyoya's, and your father enter through the double doors. You went to greet the three of them and then followed your father to show him around. 

"My my Y/N, you have done a wonderful job with this place," your father complimented as he observed the decorations and lion fountain in the middle of the room. 

"Thank you, the club and I have been working really hard this entire year to make clients and ourselves have an enjoyable time," you led your dad to sit at a table. "Would you like anything to drink or eat? Honey-senpai has chosen all our pastries for the day." 

Before your father could respond, in ear shot was the sound of Mr. Ootori's voice growing louder. You turned your attention to the noise and saw his hand raised at Kyoya. As if it all felt like slow motion, you rushed forward and pushed Kyoya away. As Mr. Ootori's arms swung down, you caught it with your opposite hand and held it in place. 

You made direct contact with his eyes that looked down at you and in a low voice you managed to utter one word, "No."

After a moment, you realized what you had done and quickly released your grip, stepping away from the man who glared at you. He spoke to Kyoya in the same low tone you had, "This is the sort of ridiculous club you've been in? Don't embarrass me." 

At that, he walked past the two of you. You didn't know what to think. The only thing that came to mind was oh shit, I just stood up to THE president of the Ootori Group, my BOYFRIEND'S FATHER....WTF IS WRONG WITH ME. 

Kyoya pat your head with an unfazed look. 

"I'm sorry, Kyoya," you bowed a full 90 degress. "I'm so so sorry. I just ruined a bunch of things for us." 

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