20 || tensions arise

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"I'm going out to the market!" You shouted from the front door, adjusting your casual clothing.

Your father, who was in the conference hall with Leo, called back, "Bring Leonardo with you for some bonding time! And don't go to the commoners market!" He warned. 

You inwardly groaned as you just wanted time for yourself to mull over things that happened the past few weeks. Your father and Leo have been getting closer with each meeting while you have been trying your best to avoid him. The pretty brunette likes to spend most of his time at your household, giving you a better excuse to spend your time at the shop, where Kyoya can visit you. Luckily, Leo hasn't discovered that you have a job and just assumed that you were very busy at school. 

Snapping you out of your thoughts, Leo appeared in front of you with a smirk on his face, "Shall we go?"

You rolled your eyes, "Fine. But just stay casual. We don't need reporters to mention things." You closed the door and began walking. 

Leo followed by your side, "We aren't taking a limo?" 

"No. We can walk to the market."

"But your father said-" 

"At the moment, I do not care about what my father said. I am going to the commoners market to get things for dinner," you said cooly. 

Leo shrugged and continued, latching his arm around yours. While walking around with the foreigner attached to you, you notice people staring. But, it wasn't unusual for you to get stared at and even get hit on, to which you would ignore. 

"Why are we getting looked at?" Leo nervously asked. 

"You airhead," You playfully commented. "You are obviously not from around here, although, your Japanese is really good. Plus, I don't walk around this neighborhood often." 

Once you two arrived at the market, you went to grab the ingredients you need to make your favorite dinner. You deserve to treat yourself for having to deal with the issue currently clinging to your arm while marveling at the store. 

"Leo, have you been to markets in America?" you questioned. While you stayed in America, you lived a very casual life while your father handled all the business, but being back in Japan, you went back to your lavish lifestyle. 

Leo shook his head, "No. My parents would always have maids and people who worked in the house for us doing the shopping and cooking." 

You hummed in response and continued gathering what you needed throughout the store as Leo held the basket for you, trailing behind you. Stopping by the vegetable section, you saw Haruhi. 

You smiled brightly and called to her, "Haruhi, its nice seeing you here!"

She turned and smiled at you, "Y/N! What are you doing here? This is a place for commoners." 

"I like this market. Even though I've only been here a few times, I like the variety they sell here and the vegetables are always fresh from the farms nearby." 

She nodded in agreement and glanced toward the freckled boy, "Who is this?" 

Before you could respond, he butted in, "I'm Leonardo Bradford and I'm from America. But I'm back here to visit Y/N since we will get married after we graduate."

You sheepishly smiled, still trying to figure out ways to get out of the situation, "Yeahhh. Well, it was good seeing you! I hope your day is well!" 

She waved and you walked to the snack section. 

"She is a classmate from school. We work in the same club." You explained to the brunette. 

He peered at you, "What club do you work for?" 

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