26 || utterly helpless

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The flower shop is where you found your peace and comfort in your own solidarity. Tending to those growing and wrapping others into nice presentations brought you to ease with simple, detail oriented tasks. Today, there were only a few costumers and no pre-orders. 

RING RING  (alexa, play ring ding dong by SHINee -> if you get this, ur my favorite lmao)

"Hello, this is Y/N from the flower shop. How may I help you today?" you picked up the work phone. 

"Y/N, love, it's Kyoya," you heard over the phone. 

"What did I tell you about calling me during work, Kyo?" you slightly scolded. 

He ignored your question, "We have an issue." 

"Another one?" you sighed. "What can I do?" 

"You see, the Zuka Club abducted Haruhi and is basically forcing her to perform in a show at Lobelia Academy today. I have been informed that the stage is equipped with the latest digital stage lighting and products," Kyoya explained. 

You nodded, understanding the situation, "That is where I come in. Yes?" 

He hummed in agreement. 

"Okay. So that means they have the backdrop that can come down and project any image or video for the performance. Do you need help with the operations? Is there an issue with the equipment that I need to fix?" You asked, concerned that if there is an issue with the screen, it could be dangerous to those on stage. 

"Not particularly. I just need you to be here and help me with the plan."

"Which is?" 

"Stop the Zuka Club from getting their revenge," Kyoya said and then hung up. 

You turned to your coworker who had just arrived. They gave you a nod, letting you know that you are free to leave. Stepping out of the shop, you saw that a limo, with the Ootori family symbol, was already waiting for you. You got in the vehicle and sped to the Lobelia Academy. 


You arrived on the campus and went straight to the auditorium. All of the seats were filled with Benibara's fangirls to watch the large production. You looked around and saw the host club in the far aisle but didn't see Kyoya. Looking onto the stage, you saw Haruhi and Benibara acting out a dramatic scene. 

Don't just stand here, get to the sound box, Y/N, you told yourself. 

Running up the stairs, you saw that the room's door had one Lobelia Academy guard in front of it. 

"State your business." He commanded from you. 

You cocked an eyebrow and lied on the spot, a talent you've developed, "I was called in for tech support. Something may have gone wrong when setting the lighting for the finale." 

The guard was convinced and let you enter. Upon entering, you saw Kyoya at the laptop and an advisor being pampered by people from the Ootori family's guards.

"Kyoya, I'm here. What do you need?" you rushed to his side. 

"Benibara is trying to get revenge on the club by stealing Haruhi's first kiss in front of Tamaki and her dad," Kyoya furiously typed at the monitor. 

You nudged him with your hip so he would move away from the laptop and let you take over, "She already kissed someone at the dance party, though." 

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