3 || back again

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"One minute till what, Y/N?"

The time of day where the rays of sunlight shine through the windows, creating blinding lines onto the different petals throughout the shop, especially the lavender roses. Usually, at this time of day, there weren't any customers to tend to. You found this time of day to take in everything around you. The hints of conversations you would hear, the sound of cars driving by, and occasionally, if it was quiet enough, the music from the cafe next door.

4:00 pm...perfect.

But today was an exception, for the little boy named Haru had interrupted your time of perfection.

"Don't worry about it Haru," you smiled, "I've got to arrange some interesting flowers that are to be picked up soon. Do you want to water some of the flowers around the shop?"

He nodded eagerly and trailed behind you to the back of the shop. You handed him a small pair of gardening gloves and a spray bottle. That's when he noticed your bike.

"Hey Y/N?" Haru got your attention.

"Yes Haru?" you smiled as you noticed his gaze was towards the wall.

"Is that your bike?"

"Yep. My father left it for me when I moved over here."

"It's a nice bike." he went up to the bike and fiddled with the blue scarf tied to it.

"Maybe you can come to visit me again and tell me about Mika and I'll let you take it out for a little spin." you lead him to one of the walls in front of the shop. "Okay, Haru. When watering the plants and flowers, you wanna focus on making sure the water gets to the roots so they properly get their nutrients. Plants get most of their growth and vitamins from the soil. The roots are in the soil and from the roots, the energy goes up and all around the plant. Got that much?"

He simply nodded.

"Good. So what you are going to do is spray the water once at the top of the plant and then spray three times at the base of the plant. Ready?"

"Yes!" he quickly went to work and you walked back to your work area.

How do I passive aggressively say fuck you in flower? you thought as the 'Kyoya' boy's words rang through your ears. Hatred? Disappoint? Anger? Frustration? Something along those lines. Then, it clicked.

geraniums, foxglove, meadowsweet, yellow carnations, orange lilies, butterfly weed

Assembling these flowers together was actually kinda fun. It was very different from others you have made and slightly uglier, but it goes with the overall message. You wrote the meanings on a note card and attached it to the ribbon holding the flowers together. You checked the time,

4:50 pm...he will be here soon.

Placing the flowers on the counter of the cash register, you saw Haru peering at the white butterfly that landed on his gloveless hand. His chocolate eyes were filled with curiosity and admiration.

He sensed your presence, "Do butterflies often come in here?" he asked you while keeping his eyes on the butterfly.

"Yeah. Butterflies like the sweet nectar from some of the flowers," you replied.

Ringing bells interrupted the calmness of the shop and the butterfly flew off Haru's finger and fluttered out the door as a tall boy walked through. Both you and Haru turned your heads to look at the figure.

"Kyoya!" Haru cheered and ran into the older boy's arms.

Kyoya was taken aback at first but he wrapped his arms around Haru's small figure with a bit of concern and relief on his face. You awkwardly stood there until the moment was over and they pulled away from each other.

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