21 || resolutions...kinda

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At the shop, things were slow. Rather than taking in many orders, it was more so just taking care of the flowers and making sure everything was in good shape. After replanting a few batches of woody nightshade and fertilizing the petunias, you checked the time. 

4:55 pm. Kyoya should be here soon. 

You decided to tidy up a bit, sweeping some of the soil from the tile floors and reorganizing the many, many order slips that have piled on the register counter.  You heard the bell ring from the front as you were brushing the dirt off your apron in the back. 

Rushing to the front, you collided into a figure. Luckily with quick reflexes, you were able to remain on your feet, meeting eyes with tired grey ones. You kindly smiled at the familiar figure, "Hi Kyoya." 

He returned your smile, "Good Evening, Y/N." 

"Sorry I couldn't meet you during your club today. My boss wanted me to come in a little early," you pulled him to the table so you two could sit. "You're tired. Are you alright?" 

Kyoya frowned a bit, "I didn't sleep much last night. It's hard when you're not with me, but I was able to finish the research." 

You hummed in response, "I'll visit soon when this catastrophe is over. Was there a lot of information?" 

He pulled out his black notebook and flipped through a few pages, "There was enough to know a basis. However, it seems that your fiance is a spontaneous character." 

"Don't refer to him as my fiance," you groaned and rolled your eyes to Kyoya's amusement. 

"As you wish," he chuckled. "Leonardo Bradford, age 17, born in the United States. He is the son of a housing company there, meaning they deal with property and selling it. The company is in good shape but the market has rapidly gone down in the past few months, so I would assume that joining with a wealthy company overseas will expand their market while also increasing their popularity again," he closed the notebook and to check your expression. 

You didn't know what to say. Your mind felt blank, "So basically, this is all being done out of business interest." Kyoya nodded. "This is absolutely ridiculous. Why can't I just decide on my own? I mean yes, I want to take over the company and yes, I want to keep the relations my father has established, but MARRIAGE!?" 

Kyoya put a hand on your arm, bringing you out of your ramble, "It's going to be alright." 

"How?" you pouted. "We were certain that our companies were going to combine, but with the current situation, it seems very unlikely." 

The boy holding your hand frowned, "I know why I wouldn't be considered as a suitable spouse for you." You peered at him with worry as he continued to speak in a low tone. "I may be ambitious and cunning in getting my ways, but it is all limited. I am the third son of the Ootori Company. There's nothing for me and I worry about Haru too." 

Your eyebrows furrowed, "Even the more reason to join companies with me. What is Leo's standing with the company?" 

"He is the only son, so the company is all his," Kyoya informed. 

"I think I've held in my feelings for too long. I need to talk to my father about this. About us," you stood up and prepared the shop for closing. 

"Y/N, don't you need some sort of plan? I mean, yes, I want you to talk about this with him, but if things aren't executed properly, it can cost the future," he warned. 

Your held your gaze at Kyoya and crossed your arms, "No. I'm not going to avoid and prolong this issue anymore. If my father has an problem with that, then that's on him. I love you and that is final."

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