19 || meeting him

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You stared in disbelief at the environment around you. what the hell was going on? 

In front of you were three high school girls fawning over Haruhi while verbally attack the host club about being made of weak men. You glanced at Kyoya who was unphased by the situation. 

"These girls are from St. Lobelia Academy. I was almost going to apply there," you shuddered, thanking your past self for making the decision to go to Ouran. 

Kyoya grinned and adjusted his glasses, "You made a good choice Miss Y/N." 

The three girls introduced themselves in song; Benibara as Lady of the Crimson Rose, Suzuran as Lady of the Lily of the Valley, and Hinagiku as Lady of the Daisy. They claimed themselves as members of the White Lily League, aka The Zuka Club. 

The twins couldn't contain their laughter at the ridiculous name while the other club members stood there with faces of bewilderment. 

Kyoya smirked and gestured to you, "Well, this is Y/N. A queen of all flowers. If you need any help you can talk to her."

You narrowed your eyes at Kyoya but then quickly turned to the new trio with an innocent smile, "Thank you for visiting Ouran. I've heard lots about your club with its 30 years of standing with strong women and pristine musicals performed by the top members." Your eye twitched having to act like a kiss-up. 

Benibara approached you and tilted your chin upwards to face hers. You held you breathe, uncomfortable at the proximity, "It's unfortunate that this notorious Host Club brings you and Haruhi down with them. I promise you that we will bring them down. The Ouran Host Club will be abolished!" 

You stepped away from them and stood by Kyoya. He wrapped an arm around you and his glasses flashed, "I see. I understand your concern, but do you think maybe we could finish this later? Our president is sleeping due to being in shock." 

Haruhi brought coffee for the trio and Tamaki suddenly woke up and proceeded to get his finger burnt from the coffee. Benibara then took this opportunity to grab you and Haruhi by the wrists, "Now that we know what's going on, we can't allow these maidens to stay here. We'll prepare her paperwork and have them transferred to Lobelia at once." 

You snatched your hand away and scoffed, "I don't think that is necessary. My father would rather have me stay here at this academy to prepare me for taking the company. I also don't think it is fair for you to make such exasperated statements about the host club."

"I agree with that. It doesn't seem right to judge just because you don't think they have the same history you do," Haruhi chimed in. 

"We don't have any history-" one twin chimed. 

"-We were just founded two years ago." The other one continued. 

After some more chaos, the Lobelia girls twirled their way out the music room, saying that they'll come back tomorrow for your answers. You deadpanned as you quickly shut the doors once they exited. At that, more chaos ensued as the host club members began to doubt and point out that you two would be better off at Lobelia. 

You rolled your eyes as you went to call the flower shop since you had to skip your shift tomorrow for Tamaki's new and worrying plan. 

The next day the Zuka club performed at Ouran's Cultural Club Exposition. In the auditorium, the front rows were packed with Lobelia students who were screaming with their fan signs while the Ouran students were in the back parts of the auditorium, staring in confusion at all the enthusiasm. After the performance, students went to their normal routine as you and the host club ran to the club room. 

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