8 || keep running

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Two hours. Two hours of sleep to be exact. That's good, right? Most definitely. Your feet dragged as you made your way to school with sleepiness still in your eyes. Thoughts about your past with Kyoya kept returning to your mind as you unconsciously held the wrist the bracelet was on. 

 As the academic day went on, your concentration and attention span withered away as your mind kept wandering back to mindless thoughts, Kyoya. Apparently, there is this girl at the club who keeps jumping from host to host. She was obviously having boy troubles. And apparently, Haruhi is having trouble learning how to dance for this party on Friday. She was obviously struggling. You were going to offer to help but you needed to focus on the many roses that needed to be prepared. 

Stepping through the double doors of the Host Club, you felt an anxiousness form in the back of your mind, connecting to the center of your chest. Your breath slightly quickened as you saw the hosts set up in tropical attire. The room was lined with extravagant palm trees as the humid climate spread the scent of fresh coconut. It was a few minutes before the host club opened and you were searching for the particular flashy glasses. 

"I-I brought the flowers you needed for today," you looked downwards, trying to avoid eye contact, which was extremely difficult due to Kyoya's exposing attire. 

"Wonderful, you can give them to Mori and Honey over there," he gestured to the small boy on the tall one's shoulders. 

Following what Kyoya said you gave the flowers to the two, "These are special flowers that I was able to get on such short notice. They are Balinese flowers tied together so you can wear them around your neck. Your guests will go crazy if you two match." 

Honey yelled in excitement, snatched the flowers away, and ran off in excitement while Mori simply nodded and followed Honey's spontaneousness. 

Once the host club opened its doors, guests were amazed by the setup of this tropical paradise in early-spring. You were far off in the corner observing the guests as they enjoy themselves and the hosts as they naturally entertain, well, except for Kyoya. He was walking about with his clipboard, collecting 'data', as he would call it, about the guests and how the club is running at each and every moment. You decided to join him, curious about the choice of this blazing scenery in freezing early-spring. Haruhi was there too, probably wondering the same thing. 

"The guests seem a lot more riled up today," Haruhi said as you three watched many girls squeal in joy, fangirling over each host. 

"Yea, I agree with Haruhi. But showing skin is very popular with the ladies, I suppose. Kyoya, did you come up with this tropical paradise idea?" you questioned. 

"I have no decision-making authority. All of the club's policies have been laid out by the club's king, Tamaki," he grinned and pushed up his glasses, "But I guess there is no harm in admitting to casually slipping a Bali photo book onto his desk." 

Sounds about right. Of course, Kyoya is the brains behind this club.  

"When are you telling the guests that there is a formal party?" you asked Kyoya. 

"I'm changing it to be next week. There is a different club who apparently needed the largest hall on Friday."  Kyoya replied. 

At least that gives me more time. 

"Are you working today, Y/N?" asked flashy glasses, "I would like you to stay after the club to discuss preparations with all the hosts." 

"Luckily, I don't have work today so I'll be able to help." you smiled. 

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