16 || jungle pool

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A few weeks later, towards the end of the school year, you were walking out of school with Haruhi to study at your place. You checked the time...3:38 pm. Good thing you had no work today and your mind could just focus on studying right before the weekend. wrong.

A pair of arms swiftly linked under yours and Haruhi's. It was the twins.



This again? What is with the kidnapping? you thought as you rolled your eyes and the twins scurried to the limo that contained Tamaki with his neck decorated with tropical flowers.

Confused and a little frustrated, you hoped into the limo and crossed your arms, analyzing the situation. The rest of the hosts were sitting in the limo as well. Kyoya was on your right and Kauro was on your left with Haruhi seated in between the twins. Facing you on the other side of the limo was Mori, Honey, and Tamaki.

"You all better have a good reason for this." you huffed out.

Kyoya wrapped his left arm around your shoulders and held you closer, "Of course, Miss Y/N. This was even approved of your father."

"Fine, but where the heck are we going?" you asked.

"That is for you and Haruhi to find out." Kyoya pushed up his glasses. "In the meantime, it might take a while to get there, so occupy yourselves without creating such annoyance." 

After a relaxing nap, the limo had reached its destination. Walking to the entrance, you looked at the towering structure before you and the club members. 

"You brought us here?" you asked Kyoya while raising an eyebrow at him. 

"Why of course. Wouldn't you want to see the final product of your work?" he answered your question with a question. 

"It's not even done yet. We don't know if it's safe," you muttered low enough to only Kyoya could hear. 

He urged you into the facility and said, "Don't worry. I'm sure everything is fine." 

Once the group has set up, you were next to the poolside with Kyoya, lounging in beach chairs that were already set up. Haruhi was moping around, wondering why she is even here in the first place. 

"This place is a brand new theme park that my family, Ootori Group runs. It's called the Tropical Aqua Garden." Kyoya informed Haruhi with a smirk on his face as he leaned back into his chair. 

"I don't understand. I thought the Ootori Group ran hospitals and that they're focused on the medical business, Kyoya-Senpai." Haruhi stated. 

"Yes. But my family likes to diversify and try different things. Besides this place could be classified as a healing facility," said Kyoya. You looked at him in confusion before you realized where he was going with that point. The place is quite relaxing. 

"It's therapeutic. Think of all the people who are overworked that would love a vacation in the southern tropics. However, they may not be able to get the time off or they may not be able to afford it. Those people can now seek refuge here at this theme park to reduce their stress levels." You added to Kyoya's point, taking some pride in your own work. 

"My point exactly, Y/N. The Ootori Group's primary concern has always been for the good health and well-being of the general public." Kyoya pushed up his glasses. "The park doesn't officially open until next month. But Y/N's father said the host club could try it out in advance." 

"That gives me time to check up on the designs I had since I last came here." you smiled. "Kyoya, I need your opinion on the plants I ordered to be installed around this place. Your father said he wanted it to be very authentic and I wanted your approval." 

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