28 || pressing questions

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Cameras flashed brightly as you and Kyoya made your way up to the platform/podium. Taking a seat in one of the two chairs set up, you observed the busy, restless crowd of journalists in front of you. Oh how much you dreaded press conferences. 

Kyoya took your hand in his and rested them on the arm rest of your chair, a silent motion indicating it'll be alright. You sighed and waited for the audience to calm down and finish their applause. Once they did, you and Kyoya stood to speak. 

"Thank you all for coming today upon our request. As you all know, the journalists you share this event have been chosen carefully by the Ootori and L/N staff, so understand that it is a privilege, not a right, that you are in this room," you spoke sternly. 

Kyoya added onto your statement, "That being said, if the publishings following this event are inaccurate or twist any of our words, please understand that there will be consequences." The two of you bowed and took a seat, "The floor is now open for appropriate and relevant questions." 

One reporter jumped in right away, "Can either one of you clarify the relationship the two of you have?" 

You smiled kindly and responded, "Kyoya and I have been dating for quite a few months. We work alongside at our school and in our corporate business, helping each other with what we can." You turned to your boyfriend to see if he wanted to add anything. 

He returned a smile and faced the crowd, "Y/N and I have a very comfortable relationship. We briefly met when we were younger but became closer once she came back to Japan. As her personal and work partner, it is safe to say that we balance one another very well." 

The reporter thanked you and the next in line spoke, "What are your plans moving forward for the two of you and how would that effect your relationship?" 

Kyoya decided to answer while soothing his thumb over the top of your hand, "Moving forward as individuals, I believe that the two of us both have our own set goals in where we want to lead our companies. Some of you may think that will hurt our connection, however, in my opinion, it only strengthens it." 

"That is true. I find it that with individual minds and goals, we are able to trust each other and there is little dependency on each other, which is not necessarily a bad thing. As for our relationship in the future, all I can say for the two of us now, is that we both know that we don't want to lose the connection we have," you continued Kyoya's thought. 

The next journalist stepped forward, "There was a little bit of buzz about L/N having to be in an arranged marriage, however, the two of you were still together. Can L/N please explain that situation?" 

You sighed, "While I was in an arranged marriage, it did not falter our relationship. The set up was to save the other's company by joining with ours through marriage. In my belief, marriage is no longer a suitable path to take when trying to save a company, so I made a contract with the company to help them for a year to get them back on track, without having to marry." 

The next question was for Kyoya, "It is understood that a part of the Ootori Group's company has been bought by someone who goes by the initials K.O.  As the third son, how do you feel about that now there is less of the medical company available for you." 

You and Kyoya smirked and he pushed up his glasses before answering, "You see, as the third son, it is my role to fulfill what is expected of me and my brothers have set that standard extremely high. While it may be a lot of pressure, I find it a fun and challenging game. The initials who bought the part of the company were mine and now my father holds management over that portion once more." 

After a few more thorough questions, the next one was a smack to the face. 

"Y/N, there is little known about your mother. Where has she been?" 

You almost choked. With a hesitant, wavering voice, you answered the best you could, "With all due respect, I am not sure I can answer your question. I haven't been able to contact her since I was little." You chewed your lip, hoping that the conference would end soon. 

Kyoya looked back and forth between you and the audience and stood, "Anyways, that concludes our meeting for today. Thank you for your time and your questions. Please enjoy the rest of your day." He stood, bringing you up with him. 

The two of you bowed and left to a private room as reporters filed out of their seats to the exits. 

The boy wearing glasses in front of you placed a hand on your shoulder, "I'm proud of you." 

You rolled your eyes jokingly, "Yeah. Whatever. It went pretty smoothly until that last question, but at least we can go out and enjoy ourselves now." 

Kyoya hummed in response, "I know you answered a lot of questions but can you answer mine?" 

"Sure. Shoot," you grinned. 

"Do you have any desire to look for your mother?" 

"She walked out of our life. If she wants to come back in, that's her decision," you spoke your mind. 

"I see. Well, if you ever want to talk or need anything, I am here for you," Kyoya spoke softly and ran his hand through your hair. You leaned into his comforting touch. 

"I'm proud of you too, Kyo," you smiled. Your boyfriend's eyebrows knitted together in confusion. And you explained, "You were able to save part of the company you wanted and I'm sure your father now sees you as intelligent, hardworking, and deserving just as much as I do." 

He didn't reply to your words. Kyoya was in awe with you. The way your gaze made his heart flutter in odd ways. The way your words made him feel jittery with excitement. The way your cool touch made his mind go blank. Each thing he learned about you was something he added to his mental list of things he loved: the way you talk, your mannerisms, your passion, your determination, your laugh, oh god don't get him started on your laugh. Every detail he knew about you was the equation to his love for you. He wanted to hold you tightly and never have to let go. 

He loved each and every bundle of you. 

a/n: wowowow here's short chapter (sorryyyy)!! the end is nearing, i can feel it hehe. anyways, i hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote and comment! i also wish that my readers are doing well and having a thrilling time, whatever it is you may be doing lol. AND...i was wondering if i should do a face reveal? idk lol maybe next chapter, which i hope to see you in~

p.s. feel free to check out my other stories! thanks :D

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