23 || the world

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Quick scenery of trees, houses, and tall buildings blurred as you blankly stared out the window of the limo. It was peaceful, finally getting to enjoy some time for yourself in the summer. That is, until the phone next to you started ringing. 

"Hello. This is -" 

"Y/N!!!" A voice screamed, causing you lean away from the phone. "Haruhi is MISSING!!! MY DAUGHTER IS GONE!!!"  

You sweatdropped, "Tamaki, Haruhi is not missing. She is in Kuruizawa for a summer job." 

"How do you know!? What if she was kidnapped?" 

"She told me before we left school. Calm down, please. I'm going to Kuruizawa, too." 

"Wahhhhhhh? Did you tell Kyoya?" Tamaki asked. 

"Why don't you ask him yourself?" you smirked and handed the phone to the person next to you. 

"Ahhh. Good idea Y/N," Tamaki said, thinking he was still speaking to you.

"President. No need to separately contact me." 

A few moments of silenced passed...

"KYOYA!? YOU'RE WITH Y/N?" the blonde yelled into the phone. 

"Yes, we are on our way to Kuruizawa to spend some time together," Kyoya grabbed your hand while speaking over the phone. 

"And did you know that my daughter was going to be gone?" he asked in a panic state. 

You couldn't help but stifle a laugh at the scene unraveling in front of you. 

Kyoya rolled his eyes and answered, "No, she only told Y/N, who later told me. If that's all, I'm going to hang up now. I already know you are making plans to come out this way, so we will see you and the rest of the club soon." 

At that, Kyoya hung up and handed you the phone. You placed it on the cushion next to you and leaned your head on Kyoya's shoulder while he took your hand back into his lap and admired the silver bracelet on your wrist. 

Upon arrival to the refreshing town, you had the chauffeur drop you and Kyoya off at the inn Haruhi was staying at, before going off to the cottage to unpack your belongings. Apparently she was working at the inn so that a friend of her dad's, the owner, could watch her while he was away for work. This eventually led to the Host Club having a contest on who would be the most refreshing by helping around the inn so that they could stay in the last guest room available. 

While the rest of the club was having their fun antics, you and Kyoya sat at the tables outside and enjoyed the cool breeze of Kuruizawa. Both you and Kyoya were reading books at the table while enjoying cups of tea. You had a book in one hand, while your other rested on the table and the boy in front of you hand his hand over yours. From time to time, you would feel the soothing touch of Kyoya running his thumb back and forth over the top of your hand. You would take glances from your book to the environment surrounding you, seeing some of the club members frantically working - something they are not used to. 

"Kyoya, Y/N!" a voice called out.

Both of you set your books down to look at the person who spoke. 

"You're  not taking part in the games?" Haruhi asked. 

"No, even if I did win, I wouldn't be able to spend as much time with Y/N. So, I'll just watch here as much as I like, and then leave for the cottage," Kyoya explained. 

"Cottage? Your family's?" Haruhi questioned again. 

You smiled, "Yeah! Apparently our families have cottages neighboring each others, just like the rest of the club members." 

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