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"Kyoya it won't fit!" you groaned. 

"Just a little more, Y/N." 

"It hurts," you whined. 

"It's not my fault you forgot to cut off the thorns," Kyoya pushed up his glasses.

"Well, it's not my fault someone forgot to tell me they needed so many roses on such short notice," you glared as you were trying to fit the bunches of roses in the small vases on the table.

"Blame Tamaki," he smirked. "Anyways, just try your best to finish up, customers will be arriving soon. As long as it is presentable, it should be fine. The extra roses can be placed up in the club room."

It was spring and the sakura trees were in full bloom still. The branches and petals danced in the cool breeze. The Host Club decided to have the event outside today after you suggested that it would be refreshing for the customers to have tea outside since spring was getting warmer. The tables were set with fine porcelain table settings and to add to the romantic scenery, Tamaki ordered red and pink roses as centerpieces for the tables. You decided to help with the set up since you had no work today. As you worked, a recent memory replayed in your head:

"I'm simply in love with you." Kyoya took a step forward and handed you the bouquet. 

"The things I wrote on this paper," you took it out and waved it around. "They're about me?" 

"Yes, and I hope you can accept my feelings for you." 

"What do you think Haru? Should I?" you looked over to the small boy who was sipping hot chocolate.

"Nah." he snickered and you giggled as your eyes took shape of half moons. Kyoya's eyebrows cinched together in confusion.

"I'm kidding Kyoya, but for now let's keep us a secret. I don't want the word going around and then you losing customers because of me."   

Kyoya sighed in relief, "I'll go along with that. Keep this Saturday open. If you have work, I'll come to pick you up from here." 

And then he and Haru left with smiles on their faces while you stood there holding the bundle of flowers that you created. The words that he crafted but you wrote. The paper filled with words of you. Words that tied around your heart that longed to feel secure. Is this it? Did you finally find the security within the bundle of you?

"HEY Y/N-CHAN!!" screamed Honey, who was clinging on Mori's shoulders. The small third-year brought you out of your thoughts. 

"Hey Honey and Mori. What's up?" you took a final look at your arrangement and was satisfied, allowing you to give your full attention to the two. 

"Kyoya wanted me to tell you that customers will be arriving in a minute and asked if you could wait underneath the sakura tree in the corner," said Honey smiling and Mori pointed to the tree with a straight face. 

"Okie. Good luck with customers today!" you smiled and waved them off as you went to the tree. 

While underneath the tree, you were able to observe the events at what Tamaki called a "Flower-Viewing Reception". Kaoru spilled tea on himself, burning his finger, and Hikaru came to the rescue as the two customers with the twins squealed over them. 

Suddenly, Kyoya approached the girls, "As with these cherry blossoms, beauty is fleeting. There isn't a single day when you will see them like this again. And so," he held up a photo book of the Hitachiin twins. "I created this book of photo collections that capture the beauty of the passing days. Incidentally, I've prepared similar books for everyone else," he held up even more copies of photo books of the other hosts. "In the event that you were to purchase them all together, there is a special set price." 

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